aravind bro! can you send this PDF through drop box?

On 6/11/15, Aravind R <> wrote:
> probably that toll person could have been cheated accidentally by you
> sir without your knowledge.
> we got the original circular here.
>   National Highways Authority of India
>   (Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport and Highways)
> Rg 6, ,,re<-10, Unr,W{ •Ftr-110 075
>   G-5 86, Sector-10, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075
>  In   /Phone : 91-11-25074100/25074200
> /Fax : 91-11-25093507 / 25093514
> 9441. / Ex1n.: 2223/ 2318 1246812553
>   MAI/ 13013/267 /CMD-00/05-06/RTI-16   04.12.2006
> Circular No. NHAI/ Commercial Operation/81
> Sub. Exemption to Defence Personnel under Indian Tolls (Army & Air
> Force) Act, 1901.
>   In continuation to our circular No. NHA1/ Commercial Operation/18
> dated 30.04.2003, enclosed please find the copy of letter no.
> NH-11065/12/2003-P & M dated 15.09.2004 of the Ministry circulating
> the extract of the Indian Tolls (Army as Air Force) Act 1901. It is
> regarding exemption from user fee under Indian Tolls (Army 86 Air
> Force) Act 1901 in addition to the exemptions allowed by the Ministry
> under various notifications.
>   It may please be ensured that exemptions under Indian Tolls (Army &
> Air Force) Act 1901 are invariably mentioned on the display boards
> installed before the fee plazas as per our circular no. 35 dated
> 06.01.2004.
>   This iss es with the approval of the Competent Authority.
>   GM (CO)
> Ends. As above
>   To,
>   All PIUsI CMUs
> Copy to
>   All Members
>   All CGMs/ CVO
> All GMs
>   PS to Chairman
> Librarian
>   ZAGM(C0)\DGM(CO) RTI\ RTI-16,Nevratan Sinah.dac
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Government of India
> 'Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport & Highways
> Department cif Road Transport & Highways
> (P&M Section)
> Transport Bhawan,
> No.1, Parliament Street,
> New Delhi 110001.
> No.NH-11065/12/2003-P&M   Dated: 15.9.2004 To
> I.   The Secretary (PP. D),
>   All States/Union Territories.
>   The Chairman,
>   National Highway Authority of India,
>   5&6, Sector 10, Dwarka,
>   New Delhi — 110 045.
>   Sub:- Exemption of Defence vehicles from payment of user's fee for
> use of -section of National Highway/permanent bridge/temporary bridge
> on National Highways.
>   •
> Sir,
> The Ministry of Defence has brought to the notice of this Ministry
> that Defence personnel, their persona I vehicles Enid Civil hre
> Transport employed in We service cf defence forces are facing
> difficulties at Toll Collection Centre on National Highways as they
> are not being allowed exemptions of fees permissible under the Indian
> Tolls (Army and Air Force) Act, 1901. in different pans of the
> country. The matter has been examined in consultation with the
> Ministry of Law and Justice (Dept of Legal Affairs) and it has been
> clarified by that Ministry that the provisions of the Indian Tolls
> (Army and Air Force) are applicable to collection of tolls on National
> Highways.
> Extracts from the Indian Tolls (A:my and Air Force) Act, 1901 are
> enclosed (Annex-I). ThiS Ministry has notified National Highways
> (collection of Fee by any person for use e section on National
> Highways, permanent bridge/temporary bridge on National Highways) arne
> idment rules 2003 vide GSA No.834(E) dated 27th October, 2001
> According to these rules certain categories vehicles, including
> defence vehicles, are exempted from payment of users fee given in the
> notification. The details of all sueli defence vehicles/persons
> exempted from payment of users fees are enclosed. (Annex-II). These
> exemptions have Also been made applicable for public funded projects.
> It is requested that necessary instructions may be issued to all
> concerned who are responsible for fees collection, that in addition to
> the exemptions allowed by the Ministry under various notifications the
> exemption as permissible under Indian Tolls (Army and Air Force) Act,
> ! 901 are also applicable on National Highways.
> Yours faithfully,
> Gatti )
> Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
> Tel: 23710450
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Copy for necessary aciion forwarded to:
>   Chief Engineer (PWD), All States.
>   All R.O.s, Minister of Road Transport & Highways.
>   All Chief Engineers, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
> Copy for information forwarded to:
> 1.
> U. Gen. A Natarajan, Adjutant General, Army Headquarters, DHQ PO, New
> Delhi w.r.t. his letter No.P/80377/JAG, dated 18.6.2003.
> (KR. Gatti)
> Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
> Tel: 23710450
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   As per Section 3.„of Indian Tolls (Aty and Air Force) Act, 2001, the
> following Defence persons and proTerty are exempted from payment of
> users fee:
>   (a)   All officers, soldiers and airmen of —
>   the regular forces
>   any irregular Corps
>   (b)   All members of.the territorial army or of the National Cadet
> Corps when on duty or when proceeding to or returning from duty.
>   (c)   All officers, soldiers and airmen of the Indian reserve forces
> when proceeding frorn their place or then residence on being called
> ott for service, training, or muster of when proceeding back to their
> place ofeesident after such service, training or muster
>   (d)   all authorized followers of —
>   the regular forces
>   the territorial anny or the National Cadet Corps
>   any irregular Corps
>   (e)   all Members of the family of officers, soldiers, air men or
> authorized followers of
>   (the regular forces)
>   or any irregular Corps when accompanying any body of troops, or any
> officer, soldier, airmen or authorized follower theirof on duty or on
> the march.
>   all prisoner under military or air force escort.
>   the carriages, horse and baggage,. and the persons (if any) employed
> in driving the carriage, the • •ô ge, 01 any persons exempted under
> any of the foregoing clauses, when such carriages, horses, baggage, or
> persons accompanying the persons- so exempted under the
> circumstances-mentioned in those clauses respectively.
>   all carriages and horses belonging to government or employed (in the
> Indian) military (or air force) service and all persons in charge a or
> accompanying the same, when conveying any such persons as hereinbefore
> in this section mentioned or when conveying baggage or stores, or when
> returning, unladen from conveying such persona, baggage or stores;
>   all carriages and horses when moving under the orders of military
> (or air force) authority for the purpose of being employed cm the
> Indian) military (or air force) service.
>   0)   all animals accompanying any body of troops which are intended
> to be slaughtered for food or kept for any purpose connected with the
> provisioning of such troops, and
>   (k)   all persons in charge of any carriage, horse or animal
> exempted under any of the foregoing clauses when accompanying the same
> under the circumstances mentioned in those clauses respectively.
>   shall be exempted from paymnt of any users fee while on vehicle for
> use of Section of Nation:41 I-Bonny:iv% ineriminent Bruloedemnoracv
> Iffidoe on National Hiahwavs.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   Otherwise demandable by irixtue of any Act, Ordinance, Regulation,
> order or direction of any legislature or other public authority in
> Indiai
>   Explanation — the persons or property exempted under clauses (d),
> (e), (g) and (i) shall be deemed to accompany the Forces, troops,
> persons or property concerned, when the move of the former is the
> direct result of, or is connected with the move of the latter,
> irrespective of the interval of space and time between the two moves.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   NEW Delhi, the 27th October, 2003
>   G.S.R. 843(1).— In exercise of the pow. .conferred by section 9,
> read with section 8A of the National Highways. Act, 1956 (48 of 1956),
> the Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to
> amend the National Highways (Collection of Fees by any person for the
> use of Section of National Highway/permanent bridgthempdrary bridge on
> National Highway) Rules, 1997, namely :••
>   (I) 'These rules may be called the National Highways (Collection of
> Fees by any person for the use of Section of National Highways/
> permanent bridge/temporary bridge on National Highway) Amendment
> Rules, 2003.
>   (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in
> the Official Gazette.
>   2.   in the National Highways (Collection of Fees by any person for
> the use of Section
>   of National Highways/pennanent bridge/temporary bridge on National
> Highway)Rules, 1997, in rule 5, in sub-rule(1), in the proviso, for
> clause(i), the following clause shall be substituted, namely :-
>   '(1) vehicles -
>   (A) having "VIP' symbols;
> officially belonging to -
> (a) President of India;
> Vice-President of India;
>   Governor of a State or Lt. Governor of a Union Territory;
>   a Foreign Dignitary on State visit to India;
>   a Foreign diplomat stationed in India using cars with 'Cfl"/"CC'
> number plates;
>   Chairman of Rajya Sabha or Speaker of Lok Sabha or Chairman of a
> State Legislative Council or Speaker of a State Legislative.Assembly
> or a Minister for the Union or State, or Leaders of Opposition in Lok
> Sabha or Rajya Sabha or State Legislatures having the status of
> Cabinet Minister, if he is sitting in the vehicle; or
>   a Member of Parliament, in the entire country, or a Member of
> Legislative Assembly of a State. or a Member of Legislative Council of
> a State, in the respective State, if he produces his identity card
> issued by the Parliament or concerned Legislature of a State,as the
> case may be;
>   (13) belonging to winner of Gallantry awards such as Param Vir
> Chakra, Ashok Chakra, Maha Vir Chakra, Kirti Chios, Viz Cbakra and
> Shaurya Chakra, if such awardee produces his photo identity :ad duly
> authenticated by the Competent Authority for such award.'
>   [F. Na. N11-11065/15/2002-MMI ALOK LkWAI it. Secy.
>   Footnote The principal notification was published in the Gazette of
> India vide C.S.R. No. 62(E), dated 6.2.1997 and amended Vide
> Notification G.S.R No.336(E) dated 13.4.2000.
> On 6/11/15, Asudani, Rajesh <> wrote:
>> I have used it successfully.
>> सादर With thanks and regards
>> (राजेश आसुदानी Rajesh Asudani)
>> सहायक महाप्रबंधक AGM
>> बाजार आसूचना एकाई MIU
>> भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक Reserve Bank Of India
>> नागपुर Nagpur
>> Co-Moderator
>>  VIB-India
>> President
>> Phone: 0712 2806846
>> A-pilll = Action coupled with  Positivity, Interest, Love, Logic and
>> Laughter
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: AccessIndia [] On
>> Behalf
>> Of Deepak Singla
>> Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 9:32 AM
>> To: AccessIndia: a list for discussing accessibility and issues concerning
>> the disabled.
>> Subject: Re: [AI] regarding toll tax exemption
>> Hi all
>> I also have some experiences with the same  document:
>> On my way to Agra I paid the Toll Tax at Yamuna Express way but while
>> returning the Toll Tax was exempted: clearly shows the willingness of the
>> person deployed there either to obey the order or deny it.
>> On some other Tolls like Karnla Toll and Chandigarh to Ambala Toll I got
>> the
>> exemption both ways without any problems.
>> So request you to please confirm the validity of the Toll Tax exemption
>> notification.
>> Regards
>> Deepak Singla
>> On 6/11/15, Divyanshu Ganatra <> wrote:
>>> Briliant! no wonder they did not  accept my copy at the toll bbooth.
>>> wasted!
>>> On 6/10/15, srinivas.karnati <> wrote:
>>>> Dear friends good evening to all of you, recently a circular was
>>>> posted in this list, regarding toll tax exemption. I also got the
>>>> same from AICB.
>>>> Today MrJ. L. Kaul Recipient of Padma Shri Award 2014 Secretary
>>>> General All India Confederation of the Blind has stated that (At the
>>>> outset, I apologize for circulating the toll tax exemption circular
>>>> which proved a fake one.
>>>> We
>>>> had received that copy and sent it to you all to share this good news.
>>>> But
>>>> in fact some person had inserted the category of physically
>>>> handicapped in the main circular and sent to some persons.) This is
>>>> for your kind information. I request all the members not to do so.
>>>> k. srinivas
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>>> mails
>>> sent through this mailing list..
>> --
>> Regards
>> (Deepak Kumar Singla)
>> "Help Ever Hurt Never"
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> --
> nothing is difficult unless you make it appear so.
> r. aravind,
> D R O in bank of baroda,
> mobile no: +91 9940369593,
> email id :,
> Register at the dedicated AccessIndia list for discussing accessibility of
> mobile phones / Tabs on:
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> sent through this mailing list..

If God is love, and love is blind, and I were blind, would I be God?

with love and regards
yogesh J
postal assistant
india post
 tenkasi head office
phone: 7811071227
skype: romio.yogesh
facebook: yogesh yogi

Emotional investments are subject to human desires. Read the person
carefully before investing.

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