}Date:    Tue, 23 Jul 2002 21:08:00 +0400
}From:    Eugeny Sattler
}Subject: to Binky admin
}I wrote to Binky admin off-list but seems he did not get my mail.
}So may I write to him here.
}Dear Sir,
}I'd like a new command to be added to new version of Binky.
}It would allow to find out a file size without downloading.
}Having such info, user can take a decision whether to start downloading.
}It often happens that a big file ordered eats up quota completely,
}user to wait for a FORTNIGHT !
}If I new today the file is really so big, I would rather use other
}keeping my Binky quota untouched
}for smaller files downloads.

        He likely got it, but just has not yet responded to it.  Note
that if the URL starts with "http:" then it MAY be that the file size
will be unknown UNLESS/UNTIL the file starts transferring.  Or in some
cases, the server may not report it at all.  For "ftp:" files, an FTPmail
server will almost always be able to give you the file size.  Even binky
will include it in the results of a URL truncated at the LAST '/'
character.  (I do not recall if that character is required to exist, not
exist, or just optional.  Try without first.)
| Computerist.    KG6HNO  This user is located in California.  It is a
violation of California law to send unsolicited commercial mail to this

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