On 22 May 2008 at 0:03, Ricky Lomey wrote:
> I tried both getpdf and send with the file name and then the date of the SA
> Jewish Report for 9 may but when I opened the attachment I could not read it
> and I presume it is not in PDF then, never ever hapened before!

I'm assuming that you are using www4mail`at`szs.net!

First -- don't use getpdf to obtain a PDF document!
getpdf converts HTML to PDF.

To get the 9 May 2008 issue, request

www4mail will send you 21 emails, each with a
numbered attachment. The attachments are *not* PDF
files. You cannot read them, or do anything else
with them, separately.

Save them all, then join them in the usual way to
reconstruct the original, single PDF file.

::: SZS :::

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