Richard Barnes <>; wrote:

>This is the part that worries me.  It would be helpful to be very crisp
>about what assumptions are being changed here, and why it's OK for them to
>be changed.  Especially given that the Bruni et al. paper seems to have
>found flaws.

As explained in Stanislav's CFRG crypto review:

"The concerns of [1] (namely, section 2.3 of [1]) has been addressed."

As the concerns were about the ability of end users to understand the security 
properties of early application data, I think similar concerns could be made 
regarding (D)TLS 1.3. 

Regarding differences between EDHOC and TLS 1.3, EDHOC is closer to the deeply 
analyzed SIGMA-I protocol. Many of the additions TLS 1.3 do to SIGMA-I are as 
far as I know done to support additional features:

- Nonces enable TLS 1.3 to work with 0-RTT data, to support PSK mode without 
PFS, to work with static Diffie-Hellman keys in older versions of TLS, and to 
look like TLS to middleboxes and applications that expect TLS to look a certain 

- A MAC in TLS flight #1 enables 0-RTT data.

- The split into handshake and record layer means that TLS flight #2 and #3 
contain two MACs

Most of the additions EDHOC made to SIGMA-I are summarized in Stanislav's CFRG 

"The EDHOC protocol looks well-designed. Particularly, the reviewer would
like to mention such solutions as CRED_x under signature, which is good to
prevent DSKS-type attacks; a downgrade protection based on sending both a
list of supported suites and a selected one with aad2 and aad3 messages
being hashes from all previous messages (binding the communications
together); KCI-attacks are inapplicable due to SIGMA-like ephemeral keys

(Similar additions are done in TLS 1.3 as well, but EDHOC aims for very simple 
solutions that keep the code and memory complexity as low as possible).

- Other differences are mainly in encoding and different design requirements, 
TLS supports a large number of additional extensions and options and it also 
has to interop with older versions. DTLS adds a lot of transport related things 
that EDHOC relies on CoAP for. TLS was designed with web servers as the main 
use case. EDHOC is not trying to replace TLS, I love TLS 1.3, and I advise 
Ericsson products and SDOs to use TLS as much as possible. But the TLS 
handshake was certainly not designed with constrained IoT as the main use case. 
We are trying to bring SIGMA-I level end-to-end protection to constrained IoT 
systems where TLS is impractical.


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