Hi Jim,

Thanks a lot for this review!

We have taken it into account in the latest submitted -01, together with
the followup discussion on the same thread on the list.


Please, see some replies inline.


On 2019-11-20 00:13, Jim Schaad wrote:
> This is just going to be a high level review on how things are done rather
> than a detailed review on each line of text.
> 1. - Go and read that CoRE Pub-Sub update document - you know the one that
> Klaus and friends have not managed to get written since the model proposal
> was done way back when.

The latest version considers an akin interface, along the lines of the
now published draft at

> 2.  Re-write this to use CoRAL - Yes I know that this makes another
> dependency on getting it published from the CoRE group, but I don't want to
> do things multiple times.

We have now also added examples in CoRAL, for all the interactions
between Administrator and Group Manager, now also extended with FETCH
for filtered retrieval.

> 3.  I think that this document really needs to be able to be used with
> HTTP/JSON as well as CoAP.   If you can get the JSON version of CoRAL from
> Klaus then this falls out without any work.

We are now saying that the CoRAL examples are provided in text format,
but they are in CBOR or JSON on the wire.

> 4.  Are you making it a requirement that the group name be the same as the
> group identifier assigned by the "group_name" parameter?  If so then having
> some type of title and description would seem to be almost mandatory.

We have added a new group configuration parameter 'group_title', as a
CBOR text string. This specifies a human-readable descriptive name of
the group, suggesting what it is about.

> 5.  There needs to be some parameters around pointing to the correct AS and
> so forth.  The management API may reject because it does not trust the AS.
> Don't assume that this is a single value for the AS either.

Now the POST request to /manage specifies also an optional 'as_uri'
parameter, with the link to a suggested AS. The GM may accept the
suggestion or not.

At the moment, only the link is specified. As already mentioned, we can
think more of related sub-items about it to add.

> 6.  You are missing a lot of management detail on the POST to the group
> node.  Some of the things that are missing would be:
> a)  Is the group active or inactive

We have added one more status parameter 'active'.

Based on earlier discussions, an inactive group would mean that: i) no
new members are admitted, thus no new keys to new members are provided;
ii) stop issuing of new keys for current members; iii) current members
are expected to stop communicating (which should rely on informing them)
but are not removed. So the group is temporarily inactive but still exists.

> b) How does the server react if you change a the content encryption
> algorithm, is this a simple re-key operation or is it more complicated
> c) How does the server react if you change the signature algorithm?  This
> would seem to be a much harder thing to do if the group is not empty or not
> active as everybody is going to need to re-join.
> d) Other parameter that are changed may be just as bad as changing the
> signature algorithm - how the re-key is done jumps immediately to mind.

These cases are now discussed in Section

> 7.  Is there currently any way for a KDC to signal to all of the members
> that have joined that the key group no longer exists?  A DELETE would seem
> to indicate the need to be able to do this.

This is now discussed in Section

> Jim

Marco Tiloca
Ph.D., Senior Researcher

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Division ICT
Isafjordsgatan 22 / Kistagången 16
SE-164 40 Kista (Sweden)

Phone: +46 (0)70 60 46 501

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