Thanks for the review and fast response.


On Fri, Feb 18, 2022 at 7:42 AM Olaf Bergmann <> wrote:

> Hi Marco,
> thanks for the thorough review. I have done most of the suggested
> updates (see Editor's copy [1]).
> Just a few comments and questions inline.
> [1]
> On 2022-02-18, Marco Tiloca <> wrote:
> > [General]
> >
> > * In the document header, "Network Working Group" should be
> > replaced by "ACE Working Group".
> Done
> > * Looking at the phrasing in Section 2 of
> > draft-ietf-ace-dtls-authorize, it would be more consistent to use
> > "Extension of the CoAP-DTLS Profile for ACE to TLS", as document
> > title and in the abstract.
> Done
> > [Abstract]
> >
> > * Also as a feedback from the ID nit checker, the abstract should
> > explicitly mention the updated document
> > draft-ietf-ace-dtls-authorize.
> Done
> > [Section 1]
> >
> > * For consistency with draft-ietf-ace-dtls-authorize , I think
> > here it would be better to refer to RFC 6347 when mentioning
> > DTLS. The original profile only mentions DTLS 1.3 as a possible
> > later version, without pointing to the specification.
> Done.
> DTLS1.3 now is not referenced anymore. Do you think a normative
> dependency for DTLS1.3 is required?
> > * Please, add a reference to RFC 8446 for TLS.
> Done.
> > * "The same access rights are valid in case transport layer
> > security is either DTLS or TLS, and the same access token can be
> > used."
> >
> >    This implies that the "ace_profile" claim in the access token
> > and the corresponding "ace_profile" parameter in the AS-to-Client
> > response still indicate the profile name "coap_dtls", even though
> > TLS might be used between C and RS. I think it's better to
> > highlight it.
> Yes, good point.
> I have added the following sentence at the end:
>   Therefore, the value `coap_dtls` in the `ace_profile` parameter of
>   an AS-to-Client response or in the `ace_profile` claim of an
>   access token indicates that either DTLS or TLS can be used for
>   transport layer security.
> > * Building on the previous point, there's probably something more
> > worth clarifying. Let's say that the client receives an
> > AS-to-Client response specifying "ace_profile" with value
> > "coap_dtls". Presumably, the following applies:
> >
> >    - The client can feel free to go ahead with TLS or DTLS as it
> > sees fit, if it does not know in advance which the RS prefers or
> > exclusively supports.
> >
> >    - Then, if the RS does not show support for DTLS (TLS), the
> > client may want to try again with TLS (DTLS) if supporting it.
> >
> >    On the other hand, a client or RS that has been registered to
> > the AS as supporting the "coap_dtls" profile is supposed to
> > support at least one among TLS or DTLS.
> You are raising an interesting point. It might happen that the
> client supports either DTLS or TLS, and the resource server has only
> support for the other transport layer security, they might not be
> able to talk to each other at all. The same might happen for other
> values of 'ace_profile' but for different profiles, the
> AS-to-clientn response would make this transparent.
> Do you feel that we should elaborate on the case where ace_profile:
> coap_dtls is returned in the AS-to-Client response but client and
> resource server still will not be able to setup a (D)TLS connection?
> > [Section 2]
> >
> > * Shouldn't this section update the IANA considerations from
> > Section 9 of draft-ietf-ace-dtls-authorize ? The "Profile
> > Description" column of the "coap_dtls" entry in the ACE OAuth
> > Profile registry should become:
> >
> >    "Profile for delegating client authentication and authorization
> > in a constrained environment by establishing a Datagram Transport
> > Layer Security (DTLS) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) channel
> > between resource-constrained nodes."
> Done
> >
> > [Nits]
> >
> > * Section 1
> > --- s/specifies use/specifies the use
> > --- s/lacking from the/lacking in the
> > --- s/is either DTLS/is provided by either DTLS
> Done
> Grüße
> Olaf

Daniel Migault
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