Hi Olaf,

On 2022-03-04 13:04, Olaf Bergmann wrote:
Hi Marco,

On 2022-03-03, Marco Tiloca <marco.til...@ri.se> wrote:

Thanks! It looks good overall, please see below some suggestions.
Thanks. I have merged the changes into the main branch together with
the changes proposed in this email (see Editor's copy [2]).

More comments inline.



* "This error SHOULD be handled by the Client in the same way as
   unsupported ACE profiles."

    I think this sentence is fine, but it might practically be limited
to the Client somehow obtaining a better pre-configuration (if it has
any at all already) about how to communicate with the Resource Server.

    That's because the only relatable text seems to be the last
sentence in Section 6.5 of [1]. However, here the AS cannot help to
distinguish exactly between TLS and DTLS, hence obtaining a
good/better knowledge of the Resource Server through some other means
is probably what's best left to do for the Client (unless if can be
promptly upgraded to support the transport layer security protocol it
is currently missing).
Agreed. It basically comes down to: Without changing the Client,
there is no point in retrying, unless the Client knows for certain
that the Resource Server has been modified accordingly.

Do you see the need for adding something like this?

Maybe this text?

"... as unsupported ACE profiles. If the Client is modified accordingly or it learns that the Resource Server has been, the Client may try to connect to the Resource Server using the transport layer security mechanism that was previously not mutually supported, as long as the access token is still valid."
    - The Resource Server supports both TCP and UDP, but only DTLS.
    - The Client supports both TCP and UDP, as well as both TLS and DTLS.
    - The unauthorized resource request successfully happens over TCP.
    - Based on the previous step, the Client starts a TLS handshake
with the Resource Server, which fails since it is not commonly

    What I'd expect next is the Client trying again with a DTLS
handshake over UDP, which would work fine.

    Also, if the Client supports only DTLS (TLS) and performs an
unauthorized resource request, it SHOULD do it over UDP (TCP) in the
first place, even when supporting both UDP and TCP. That is, the
Client would have no use in performing this exchange over a transport
protocol if it does not support the corresponding transport layer
security protocol.
Good point. I think the scenario you have outlined above is not that
exotic if you switch DTLS and TLS because more libraries seem to
support TLS but not DTLS.

To address this, I have added the following paragraph at the
end. The SHOULD is used here because


   As a consequence, the selection of the transport protocol used for the
   initial unauthorized resource request also depends on the transport
   layer security mechanism supported by the Client.  Clients that
   support either DTLS or TLS but not both SHOULD use the transport
   protocol underlying the supported transport layer security mechanism
   also for an initial unauthorized resource request.

Perfect, thanks!



[1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-ace-oauth-authz-46

On 2022-03-03 16:22, Olaf Bergmann wrote:
Hi Marco,

as you have suggested before, I have now included more test in
draft-ietf-ace-extend-dtls-authorize that elaborates on the caveats
of session establishment for the extended DTLS profile.

Please see [1] for the new text. (To use keywords from BCP14 and ACE
terminology, I also had to add a new section Terminology.)

[1] https://github.com/ace-wg/ace-extend-dtls-authorize/pull/1

On 2022-02-18, Marco Tiloca <marco.til...@ri.se> wrote:

You are raising an interesting point. It might happen that the
client supports either DTLS or TLS, and the resource server has only
support for the other transport layer security, they might not be
able to talk to each other at all. The same might happen for other
values of 'ace_profile' but for different profiles, the
AS-to-clientn response would make this transparent.

Do you feel that we should elaborate on the case where ace_profile:
coap_dtls is returned in the AS-to-Client response but client and
resource server still will not be able to setup a (D)TLS connection?
Yes, it would help to elaborate on that. As you say, there is a
possibility of no commonly supported transport security protocol,
although within the commonly supported profile.

In that case, and assuming that neither of the two parties can be
(promptly) updated to broaden its support, the client would just have
to give up after failing to establish a channel with the only
transport security protocol it supports.

Marco Tiloca
Ph.D., Senior Researcher

Division: Digital Systems
Department: Computer Science
Unit: Cybersecurity

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Phone: +46 (0)70 60 46 501
Isafjordsgatan 22 / Kistagången 16
SE-164 40 Kista (Sweden)

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