
sorry, I should be more clear. I'm trying to demo how CAS+Acegi gives single sign-on with a multi-webapp project I'm working with, so I need to go a bit further with the configuration. The CAS demo itself was easy enough to get working. :-)


21 feb 2006 kl. 02-21 | v.8 |14.28 skrev Scott Battaglia:


To purely demo, you can actually just use the demo war included with CAS (in the target directory).  It is configured with a handler that merely matches username and password.  Otherwise, you can configure one of the included handlers that authenticate against LDAP or a database (or a simple flat file).


Per Ejeklint wrote:


I am indeed trying to use 3.0.4 with Acegi 1.0.0-RC2. Am trying to get a simple but working setup to demo the concept.

To get going I can use version 2.0 instead, but it would be nice to have a working demo with 3.0.4 as well. Do you know of any such setup examples "out there"?



Per Ejeklint
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