On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 11:39:36PM +0000, Salz, Rich wrote:
> > https://github.com/letsencrypt/acme-spec/issues
> I'd prefer if we just recorded issues there, but discussed them in the 
> mailing list.

Folks should also be aware that because letsencypt needs to move fast to
get working and interoperable clients and servers for its launch,
there's a fair chance that it will wind up with a deployed solution that
diverges from the draft spec in various ways, and can't block on an IETF
WG's deliberations.

For that reason I think it's probably best if the WG and spec work
doesn't start in earnest until after Let's Encrypt has launched (IIRC
that was the consensus in Dallas, too).  And in the pre-launch period, a
bug tracker is the most efficient and practical way for us to keep track
of things that we absolutely need to fix/diverge from the draft spec on.

Peter Eckersley                            p...@eff.org
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