I have implemented this solution in this PR:


Last call for comments...

On Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 5:00 PM, Richard Barnes <r...@ipv.sx> wrote:
> How about something like this:
> Authorized key object is TOKEN.FINGERPRINT, where:
> * TOKEN is the token in the challenge
> * FINGERPRINT is the JWK thumbprint of the account key (per the relevant
> JOSE spec)
> Same processing, except neither side has to send the object.  (Might still
> have the client echo the token.)
> Jacob, that gets you no base64(JSON), and EKR, that gets you determinacy.
> Copasetic?
> --Richard
> On Friday, October 2, 2015, Eric Rescorla <e...@rtfm.com> wrote:
>> I'm fine with having the client generate the object, but I think I'd be
>> more
>> comfortable if the data that the client had to provision for the challenge
>> was deterministic, less for cryptographic reasons but simply to make it
>> easier to reason about the protocol properties.
>> Maybe this is a case for a non-JSON encoding.
>> -Ekr
>> On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 7:04 PM, Andrew Ayer <a...@andrewayer.name> wrote:
>>> On Wed, 30 Sep 2015 21:48:32 -0700
>>> Richard Barnes <r...@ipv.sx> wrote:
>>> > The authorized key object is JSON, which means that the number of
>>> > serializations for it is bounded only be the size of the object the
>>> > server will accept.  If a malicious client can generate an authorized
>>> > key object that collides with a legitimate one (a second preimage),
>>> > then he can authorize his own key.  Having the server generate the
>>> > object puts all of the entropy that goes into the digest under the
>>> > control of the server.
>>> > [...]
>>> > In other words, there's a trade-off here between a little more surety
>>> > in the crypto and a little more protection against the CDN.  Given
>>> > that ambiguity about crypto bit us last time, I opted for the former.
>>> Well... previously, the protocol was relying on a non-existent property
>>> of digital signatures.  With a client-constructed authorized
>>> key object, it would be relying on the second-preimage resistance of
>>> SHA-256, which is a pretty safe bet, to put it mildly.  (Also, if I
>>> were an attacker with a second-preimage attack against SHA-256, I
>>> wouldn't bother attacking a CA - I'd just mint my own certs ;-)
>>> > Would it help to clarify that the CA MUST verify the token before
>>> > accepting the response, and the client MUST NOT provision the
>>> > validation until after the response is accepted?
>>> It would help in that the client would have to make two mistakes
>>> instead of just one.  Nevertheless, if the choice is between counting
>>> on client implementers to not make mistakes and counting on SHA-256 to
>>> have second-preimage resistance, I think the choice is clear.
>>> -- Andrew
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