On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 6:48 PM, Patrick Figel <patfi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 26/07/16 18:00, Peter Bowen wrote:
> > I don't see anything in the ACME specification that disallows this
> > at the protocol level.  I think a CA could request you validate a
> > DNS identifier of 'example.com', then accept that authorization for
> > the issuance of 'ship.example.com'.  Conversely, ACME does not
> > require CAs allow such and I hope it stays that way.  CA policy
> > should be distinct from ACME.
> Agreed that this should be a policy decision.


> It's worth pointing out,
> however, that prior drafts contained language that made it clear that
> it's a policy decision, which seems to have been removed in the acme-03
> draft. It used to read:
> "It is up to the server's local policy to decide which names are
> acceptable in a certificate, given the authorizations that the server
> associates with the client's account key."
> Was this removed deliberately, or did it get lost as part
> of the "Application" change? I think it would make sense to add
> something like that to the CA Policy Considerations section, just to
> make it clear that this is indeed a policy decision (unless the WG
> thinks otherwise?)

It was a side-effect of the "application" refactor.

ISTM that the "application" approach is way more flexible with regard to
this sort of thing.  Before, the assumption was that you would do a
"new-authz" for each specific name, and there was no way for the server to
tell you that you just needed to prove control of the top-level domain.
With the "application" approach, you can send in a CSR, and the server can
tell you just to authorize the top-level name.

Could someone file an issue to re-add this text?  Or better yet, send a
PR?  :)

All that said, I don't really think this style of validation is a good
idea, for the reasons Rich points out.  But this is not really the place to
have that discussion.


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