On 07/28/2016 02:54 PM, Richard Barnes wrote:
> #164 - Unparallelize signatures on key-change
> https://github.com/ietf-wg-acme/acme/pull/164
I don't like the JWS approach of "just wrap it in another layer of
base64url," but I agree that this is a bit of an improvement over the
existing scheme. When I proposed the two-signatures approach, I was
thinking that both keys would automatically be covered by the whole
signature, but looking more closely I see that's not the case, so the
benefit's not there. So overall I'm supportive of going back to nested

I see that you changed oldKey and newKey to thumbprints instead of full
JWK objects. Why is that? It seems like it introduces an extra step that
is unnecessary, and adds another place where we hardcode a hash
function. I'd prefer to keep them as the full JWK objects.

Also, why require a distinct nonce on the inner and outer JWS? I would
rather require that the nonce and URL parameters must match between the
inner and outer JWS.

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