On 08/19/2016 09:31 AM, Richard Barnes wrote:
> Actually I thought of another reason, which is more compelling: There's
> no specified algorithm for comparing JWKs.  Do you include, e.g., "kid"
> or "x5t"?
> So we would need to specify a comparison algorithm.

This is already a problem for each authenticated ACME POST. Right now
the user is identified solely by their full account key, and it's up to
the ACME server to determine how to look up a user by that key. I think
this isn't a problem by itself. The server can do a thumbprint itself,
preserving the option to switch hashes without breaking any clients.

However, this relates to another change I've been meaning to propose:
Identifying POSTs by account URLs instead of by key.

This encourages servers to implement this logic:

 - verify a POST using the account key from the JWS header
 - then, look up that account key in a database of users

Instead of this logic:

 - look up an account's key in a database of users
 - then, verify the POST using that account key

The latter better fits the best practice of "don't process untrusted
input until after you've verified the signature." The former is
vulnerable if the attacker can make their own key that happens to
coincide with another in the database.

Instead, the client can use the account URL rather than the full key to
identify each request after registration. This requires that the server
keep track of keys and properly validate them. It also makes lookup more
straightforward for the server with regards to the question you raised
about comparison of JWKs.

For instance, the client could provide the account URL in the JWS "kid"
header instead of the full key in the JWS "jwk" header.

This matches nicely with your proposed use of the account URL in the
inner key-change payload. I think providing the account URL there also
removes the need for the oldKey field. I still strongly believe we need
the full newKey. So we'd wind up with:

account (required, string):
The URL for account being modified.  The content of this field MUST be
the exact string provided in the Location header field in response to
the new-registration request that created the account.

newKey (requrired, JWK):
The JWK representation of the new key

> On further thought, I think I would like to propose that we go back to
> not caring about the nonce.

There was some earlier discussion about why the nonce on the inner
payload was valuable. Could you quote that here and specifically rebut?
I think I agree with dropping it this but I want to make sure we keep
the context of the original discussion.

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