
This approach is a major improvement from earlier efforts at a TLS-based
challenge.  It follows normal TLS processing logic much more closely,
differing only in the fact that the certificate presented has an extra
extension.  Minimizing the differences w.r.t. normal behavior seems like a
good approach to avoiding the sorts of corner cases that have tripped up
earlier flavors of TLS-based challenges.

Before this is finalized as an RFC, we should verify empirically that most
hosting providers will be secure in the presence of this challenge.  But
I'm convinced that the approach in Roland's document is likely enough to
work that we should go ahead and develop a specification, which we can test
as it matures.


On Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 11:41 AM, Stephen Farrell <stephen.farr...@cs.tcd.ie
> wrote:

> On 23/02/18 16:31, Salz, Rich wrote:
> >
> >> Here is the ID:
> >> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-shoemaker-acme-tls-alpn/
> >
> > Should the WG adopt this document?
> Yes.
> Having a sufficiently secure mechanism that works on port 443 is
> a good thing in general. I'm not sure how many folks were using
> tls-sni-01 for new domains (I was) but whatever that number was,
> is I think evidence that a port 443 scheme fills a read need.
> I assume that if problems are found with the new mechanism
> (whether those be technical, due to odd deployments or I guess
> even cabforum politics;-) then we'd recognise that and stop
> the work. The fact that we did that to tls-sni-02 hould be
> re-assuring wrt this.
> If one accepts the two assertions above then adoption seems
> like a no-brainer.
> S.
> > Speak up now, we'll make a
> > consensus decision next week.  Also if you are able to help work on
> > it.  If adopted, I would expect this to be on the agenda for London
> > next month, even if it's just to briefly introduce it.
> >
> >
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