On Sun, May 27, 2018 at 3:00 PM, Richard Barnes <r...@ipv.sx> wrote:

> Updated PR:
> Responses to comments Github: https://github.com/ietf-wg-
> acme/acme/pull/425/commits/710ef835446231ef954b0f6e448718eef04b63fa
> Responses to this email: https://github.com/ietf-wg-
> acme/acme/pull/425/commits/3dd2a10ee55c13ff87772463374a7c0ab4205d5f
> Trimming points on which we agree...
> On Fri, May 25, 2018 at 12:09 PM Eric Rescorla <e...@rtfm.com> wrote:
>> > > S 6.2.
>> > > >         algorithm in its "alg" field
>> > > >
>> > > >      o  The JWS Payload MUST NOT be detached
>> > > >      o  The JWS Protected Header MUST include the following fields:
>> > > >
>> > > >         *  "alg" (Algorithm)
>> > >
>> > > Do you want to specify a set of acceptable signature algorithms here?
>> >
>> > I am inclined not to.  We have already forbidden "none" and MAC.  We
>> > shouldn't specify "MUST"s here, because CABF sets their own list of
>> > required algorithms, and we don't want to conflict.  I guess you
>> > could specify some MUST NOTs pretty safely, but given that they're
>> > already forbidden by CABF, it seems kind of duplicative.
>> This is about the signatures that ACME accepts, not the signatures
>> in certs. Does CABF have a position on what signature algorithms
>> that ACME uses?
> Good point.  As Ryan pointed out, this is not something on which there is
> currently CABF guidance.
> Nonetheless, I'm still disinclined to have MUSTs here for other reasons.
> If they're positive "MUST support" requirements, then we would need to come
> back and revise this document in the event of an algorithm break (though
> admittedly, that would be pretty far down on the TODO list).  And looking
> at the current list of JWS algorithms, I don't see any I would MUST NOT,
> except possibly the ones based on SHA-1

Hmm... Common practice in security protocols is to specify MTI algorithms.
Why is this different?

> >
> Perhaps just a forward reference.
> "Further down" here just means "the next paragraph".  Over that distance,
> I don't think a forward reference is really helpful :)


>> > > S 7.1.2.
>> > > >         initiated deactivation.
>> > > >
>> > > >      contact (optional, array of string):  An array of URLs that the
>> > > >         server can use to contact the client for issues related to
>> this
>> > > >         account.  For example, the server may wish to notify the
>> client
>> > > >         about server-initiated revocation or certificate expiration.
>> > >
>> > > How am I supposed to know the semantics of these strings? And if they
>> > > are non-mailto URLs, what am I supposed to do with them.
>> >
>> > To first order, the semantic is defined by the scheme of the URL --
>> > "mailto" says "email me", "sip" or "tel" says "give me a call", etc.
>> > We have the "unsupportedContact" error type if the server doesn't
>> > know how to leverage a given scheme.
>> > Of course there are URL schemes that don't make sense as a contact
>> > point (e.g., "data:"), but trying to enumerate those seems quixotic.
>> > Better for the CA to check and reject with the error code we have
>> > provided.
>> Well, http would also be hard to know what to do.
>> My semantic question, however was: are these all equivalent and
>> undifferentiated?
> I'm not sure I totally understand the question here, but I think the
> answer is "yes".  Either the server has code to handle a given contact URL
> scheme or it doesn't, in which case unsupportedContact.

This doesn't seem entirely clear:
1. What do I send to the HTTP URI, if anything? What method do I use?
2. If there is >1 URI, are they all semantically equivalent.

>> > > S 7.4.
>> > > >
>> > > >      The order object returned by the server represents a promise
>> that if
>> > > >      the client fulfills the server's requirements before the
>> "expires"
>> > > >      time, then the server will be willing to finalize the order
>> upon
>> > > >      request and issue the requested certificate.  In the order
>> object,
>> > > >      any authorization referenced in the "authorizations" array
>> whose
>> > >
>> > > What if the CSR contains extensions which are not mentioned here? For
>> > > instance, say I request a given EKU that the CA doesn't like? Or the
>> > > DelegatedUsage extension from https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-
>> > > tls-subcerts-00#section-4.1
>> >
>> > [[ DISCUSS - 1e9937c ]]
>> >
>> > This is an unforutunate consequence of not providing the CSR up
>> > front.  It seems like the right outcome here is for the finalization
>> > request to fail.  It's unclear to me whether the order should also
>> > be invalidated.
>> > I think my proposal would be to fail the finalization, but leave the
>> > order open, and the client can re-try with a CSR that the server
>> > might like better.
>> It seems like the implication of this is that it's not possible to
>> demand additional validation procedures at this time, however. I
>> guess that's something one could live with....
> I think that's coherent.  Validations only apply to identifiers, not
> things like EKUs.  The identifiers for the certificate should all be listed
> in the newOrder, and thus accounted for in the initial list of
> authorizations.

Well, I could certainly imagine that you would need some extra level of
something (whether you call it validation or not) to get a certificate with
certain EKUs.

> > > S 3.
>> > > >
>> > > >   3.  Terminology
>> > > >
>> > > >      The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL
>> NOT",
>> > > >      "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL"
>> in this
>> > > >      document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119
>> [RFC2119].
>> > >
>> > > Regrettably, it is time to cite 8174.
>> >
>> > Disagree.  RFC 8174 is an update, not a replacement.
>> I can see how you would feel that way, but I can tell you that the
>> IESG is now enforcing this, so you might as well do it now.
> I have updated this to the recommended text that you sent me 1-1.
>> > > S 7.3.6.
>> > > >            "jwk": /* new key */,
>> > > >            "url": "https://example.com/acme/key-change";
>> > > >          }),
>> > > >          "payload": base64url({
>> > > >            "account": "https://example.com/acme/acct/1";,
>> > > >            "newKey": /* new key */
>> > >
>> > > You should explain why the newKey and jwk fields both exist, given
>> > > that they have to be identical
>> >
>> > [[ DISCUSS - 8f50f84 ]]
>> >
>> > I think this is a legacy of when we switched the order of old/new.
>> > It used to be new/old/new, then someone observed that it would be
>> > nice to always have the outer signature be with the current account
>> > key, so we swapped the outer two and ended up with old/new/new.
>> > I'verevised to be old/new/old, with corresponding prose.
>> This seems like a pretty material change.
>> Given the complicated logic, perhaps it would be good to state what
>> statements we believe each key is attesting to.
> Added:
> """
> To change the key associated with an account, the client sends a
> request to the server containing signatures by both the old and new
> keys.  The signature by the new key covers the account URL and the
> old key, signifying a request by the new key holder to take over the
> account from the old key holder.  The signature by the old key
> covers this request and its signature, and indicates the old key
> holder's assent to the roll-over request.
> ""


> > > S 10.4.
> > > >
> > > >      Some server implementations include information from the
> validation
> > > >      server's response (in order to facilitate debugging).  Such
> > > >      implementations enable an attacker to extract this information
> from
> > > >      any web server that is accessible to the ACME server, even if
> it is
> > > >      not accessible to the ACME client.
> > >
> > > For network topology reasons, primairlY?
> >
> > Network topology, firewalls, etc.  Imagine, for example, an enterprise
> ACME CA that could see internal servers and for some reason had a
> publicly-addressable ACME interface.
> Might be worth clarifying.
> """
> For example, the ACME server might be able to access servers behind
> a firewall that would prevent access by the ACME client.
> """


>> > > S 11.1.
>> > > >      certificate.  ACME clients and servers SHOULD verify that a CSR
>> > > >      submitted in a finalize request does not contain a public key
>> for any
>> > > >      known account key pair.  In particular, when a server receives
>> a
>> > > >      finalize request, it MUST verify that the public key in a CSR
>> is not
>> > > >      the same as the public key of the account key pair used to
>> > > >      authenticate that request.
>> > >
>> > > Do you want to mention TLS signing oracles?
>> >
>> > [[ QUESTION ]]
>> >
>> > Could you elaborate on this?
>> As I understand it, part of the reason for this is that TLS 1.2 provides
>> a signing oracle, right?
> Oh, I see.  Proposed:
> """
> This assures that vulnerabilities in the protocols with which the
> certificate is used (e.g., signing oracles in TLS [JSS15]) do not result
> in
> compromise of the ACME account.



>  --Richard
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