
I've a couple of questions as to 1) whether there are
any security issues with a thing I've done, (described
below) and 2) if it'd be worthwhile documenting something
like this.

I've been working on encrypted SNI and as part of that
have built a test server. It seems sensible that some
web sites using ESNI might use wildcard certificates
so the DNS names that will be encrypted SNI values
don't need to appear in e.g. CT logs. So that's what
I've done. For wildcard certs, the CA I'm using
(letsencrypt) requires DNS challenges.

In my setup, I don't have an API that allows the web
server to write to the DNS. Many web server setups
might have such an API, but I suspect many others are
like mine, and do not. Instead I have a separate
"zone factory" machine that manages zone files and can
poll the web server to see if there are any new DNS
challenges that need publishing whenever a wildcard
cert is due for renewal. The zone factory then takes
care of updating the zone, DNSSEC re-signing, AXFR

What I've done is setup weekly cronjobs on the web server
and the zone factory machine, so when a wildcard cert
needs renewing and the CA sends some new DNS challenges
for the wildcard cert, I have the web server put those
in a JSON file that can be retrieved at:


The zone factory polls (a few mins later) for new content
at the above URL, and if there is and all looks good,
updates the zone to put TXT RRs at _acme-challenge.$DOMAIN.

A few minutes after that's done the web server (via a
another cronjob) checks if the correct new values have
been published in the DNS, and once it sees that's been
done, it finishes off the ACME renewal process with the

Note that I'd be entirely happy to change the URL above
and/or the syntactic-sugar around the content expected to
be found there if there were a desire to document this.

As it happens, I had more or less the same issue with
updating ESNIKeys, and wrote up [1] for that. A read of
that short draft might provide more background if the
above's not clear.

So, again, I'm wondering if there're any security issues
with doing this - it seems ok for my use-case, but maybe
there're downsides if it were done in other situations,
or maybe I'm being dim and missing something obvious;-)

And secondly, I wonder if it'd be worth documenting it
and registering some new .well-known value for this.

Thanks in advance,

[1] https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-farrell-tls-wkesni

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