Sorry about getting to this 

> On Jun 8, 2021, at 16:15, Michael Richardson <> wrote:
> Signed PGP part
> Owen Friel \(ofriel\) <> wrote:
>    deb> Again architecture:  If the EST Server sits in front of a large
>    deb> organization, then domain validation is more interesting, and the
>    deb> Get /csrattrs may or may not be able to recommend a SAN, right?  I
>    deb> can see that policy oids could be provided, if that is a thing in
>    deb> these systems.  [we use policy oids in US DOD, but that is possibly
>    deb> uncommon elsewhere.]
>    ofriel> That is also a fair point, for complex deployments its not clear
>    ofriel> what policy the EST server may want to apply before assigning a
>    ofriel> SAN. The text in section 3 currently states:
>    “EST servers could use this mechanism to tell the client  what fields to
>    include in the CSR Subject and Subject Alternative  Name fields”
>    ofriel> We could beef up that statement and explicitly state that the
>    ofriel> policy by which the EST determines the SAN to specify is
>    ofriel> explicitly out of scope. And also note that policy OIDs could be
>    ofriel> provided.
> I would love to hear from operators and designers of CAs about how a
> RA can communicate to the CA about things it doesn't like, or wishes to add,
> to a certificate request.
> The CSR is immutable, being signed by the EE requesting.
> ACME doesn't provide any out-of-CSR mechanism, nor does CMC or CMP (correct
> me if I'm wrong here!)...  Max and I talked a lot about this when design 
> RFC8995,
> and we had to conclude that it was simply non-standard.

CMC does define a Modify Certification Request Control (see Whether that is 
implemented is another story.

> In the case of ACP (RFC8994) use of BRSKI, like the Ford Model-T, the CSR may
> contain anything the Pledge wants to put in, it will get an otherName
> containing the encoded ACP IPv6 ULA.
> In implementing, I also realized that the GET /csrattrs is pseudo-idempotent.
> When first called, it needs to allocate an IPv6 ULA for that node, and it
> needs to store it, such that whenever the same IDevID does the GET, it gets
> the same answer.  It's uncomfortable having to change database state on a
> GET, but at least the result is cachable!
> In the ACME integrations, we haven't said how the RA will decide what dNSName
> SAN will be returned, but the same property will apply.  The RA needs to
> collect a CSR that it can pass along up ACME, and for which is can do dns-01
> challenges.
> --
> Michael Richardson <>   . o O ( IPv6 IøT consulting )
>           Sandelman Software Works Inc, Ottawa and Worldwide

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