While ARI is clearly intended for automated usage, its ease of
construction permits interested third parties with knowledge of a
certificate to request the ARI information as well as the
certificate's subscriber. This is a feature, not a bug, as it permits
another useful use case:

Imagine a certificate lifecycle tool that monitors many TLS endpoints
for certificate lifetime and status. Such a tool could naturally also
query the ARI endpoint for each compatible certificate, as a means of
determining certificate lifetime in the face of pending revocation.

When the tool notices via ARI that a certificate should be renewed
early, that's probably going to generate alerts -- and it would be
valuable to those receiving an alert for a certificate that suddenly
needs renewal to have some context as to why, if it's possible.

Hence, I propose we add an optional field to the ARI response
structure, "explanationURL", which when populated should be presented
in any user-visible context (logging, alerting, etc) by the
ARI-compatible client. It would be up to the Certificate Authority to
ensure the URL presented appropriately translated information for the
operator, and the CA _should_ only provide the field if there was
something exceptional that warranted additional explanation or


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