I used various utilities to monitor what happens when the "prepare to
undock" key (labelled "▸") is pressed on the UltraBase X6 while the X61
is docked in it.  The X61 is runing freshly installed Karmic.

acpi_listen: video VID 00000080 00000000
showkey -s: 0xe0 0x56 0xe0 0xd6
showkey -k: 227
input-events 6: KEY_SWITCHVIDEOMODE (0xe3)
xev: 235

Note that all but the first of these events are the same as those
generated by Fn-F7, the "change display" hot key.  (The latter generates
ACPI event "ibm/hotkey HKEY 00000080 00001007", according to

What other information should I obtain?

docking/undocking support isn't included
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