Em Tuesday 06 March 2012, Samuel Stirtzel escreveu:
> Hi,


> after some work plasma active builds for me now, although it needs some
> tweaks. Now it comes to the most interesting part, doing run-tests.
> After flashing the SD card of the machine and booting up, the tension
> raises, but it seems like there is something missing.
> While running "xinit /usr/bin/startactive" shows the splash screen,
> some time later it disappears and all that is left on the screen is
> the default X mouse pointer.
> The startactive log file: http://pastebin.com/KSijm8MS
> Any ideas what is missing?

        startactive is trying to launch kstartupconfig4. The startactive module 
for that executable was removed from the development version of Plasma Active 
image, it is still present in Plasma Active 2 image though. Are you using 
startactive package from PA2? Do you have /usr/bin/kstartupconfig4 installed?

Lamarque V. Souza
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