Em Thursday 19 April 2012, Samuel Stirtzel escreveu:
> 2012/4/19 Lamarque V. Souza <lamarque.souza....@basyskom.com>:
> > Em Thursday 19 April 2012, Samuel Stirtzel escreveu:
> >> 2012/3/30 Lamarque V. Souza <lamarque.souza....@basyskom.com>:
> >> > Em Friday 30 March 2012, Samuel Stirtzel escreveu:
> >> >> Hi,
> >> > 
> >> > Hi,
> >> > 
> >> >> lately I have good progress on my work, normal KDE applications seem
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> to work fine in OpenEmbedded.
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> But my main goal, to port PA, still needs some effort.
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> Currently I'm at the point that the home screen of PA shows up,
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> but it seems like something went wrong with the declarative
> >> >> 
> >> >> scriptengine.
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> So there is a big sign with a "X" as label showing the text:
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> "Could not create a declarativeappletscript sctiptengine"
> >> > 
> >> > Enable all debug messages using kdebugdialog program (if possible),
> >> > 
> >> > restart the graphical interface, try again and send me the
> >> > 
> >> > ~/.xsession-errors file.
> >> 
> >> Hi,
> >> 
> >> I'm still working on this and looked through it once again,
> > 
> >> and there seem to be more relevant parts in the logfile:
> > You are probably using packages compiled with different versions of Qt,
> > kdelibs or other dependencies of DeclarativeWidget. Send me the output of
> > the command "rpm -qa".
> Please note I am a developer,
> I am not using any precompiled iso/images.
> Currently I am running on an ARMv7a Overo Gumstix and create build
> instructions (to cross compile PA on a tool-chain) for OpenEmbedded
> [1] and the Yocto Project [2].
        Well, there must be something wrong with the kde-runtime package you 
compiled. The message 

plasma-device(583)/libplasma Plasma::loadEngine: Couldn't load script engine 
for language  "declarativeappletscript" ! error reported:  "The service 
'Declarative widget' does not provide an interface 'Plasma::AppletScript' w"

        DeclarativeAppletScript (from plasma_appletscript_declarative.so, which 
is the library used by 'Declarative widget' service) inherits from 
> I am building everything from source, so I don't have them installed via
> RPM. But as opkg (the package manager I use) shows them as:
> libqtcore4 - 4.8.0
> kdelibs4 - 4.8.0
> kde-runtime - 4.8.0

        That seems fine regarding this particular problem. You should use 
kdelibs-4.8.2, which includes a fix for a slowness problem in nepomuk.

Lamarque V. Souza
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