Running on the ExoPC...

1. Mer
For the longest time, the Mer dev version worked great. I must have
skipped some upgrades or somehow got out of synch. Now the latest
Mer-dev image + upgrades does weird stuff.

Repeated screen locking...every 10 seconds or so. I interrupt the
"locking in 5 seconds" slider and slide the unlock button up.
Everything looks fine and pull down launcher works. Within seconds,
there's a message that the screen is being locked and the "locking in
5 seconds" message appears again. It's not possible to actually do
anything without this interruption.

2. Balsam image
Installed the latest plasma-active2 iso from open-slx as instructed in Looks fine. After
zypper dup, the task bar is black with the Plasma icon showing on the
left behind the bluetooth icon. The Network Manager icon is back to a
question mark icon. The appearance is not so good.

I really want a version that can be demoed at a significant trade show.

What is the best approach to get a Plasma Active installation that can
be shown off to influential contacts?

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