Em Thursday 19 July 2012, Carl Symons escreveu:
> On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 7:11 AM, Sebastian Kügler <se...@kde.org> wrote:
> > On Thursday, July 19, 2012 07:01:00 Carl Symons wrote:
> >> 2. Balsam image
> >> Installed the latest plasma-active2 iso from open-slx as instructed in
> >> http://community.kde.org/Plasma/Active/Installation. Looks fine. After
> >> zypper dup, the task bar is black with the Plasma icon showing on the
> >> left behind the bluetooth icon. The Network Manager icon is back to a
> >> question mark icon. The appearance is not so good.
> > 
> > rm $HOME/.kde4/share/config/plasma-device-appletsrc
> > 
> > will fix the black bar issue.
> > --
> > sebas
> The bar is lookin' good now. Thank you.
> Any ideas on the NetworkManager icon? Currently showing a sheet with a
> folded corner and a question mark.

        Well, the Plasma NM's icon is ok here when I test the new image 
(2012-07-17-11-09-basyskom-plasma-active-devel-mer-usb-live.iso) with 
VirtualBox. If you are not using basyskom's images you must apply this patch 
to NetworkManager-kde package and recompile it:


Lamarque V. Souza
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