Yannick Hi,

On August 8, 2012 at 8:16 PM Yannick Kiekens <yannickkiek...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >
> >
> > 1) Activity switcher does not work by strange side effects of pvr driver,
> > the activity switcher
> >    on omapfb image works fine.
> >
> > 2) Power-management was disabled on pvr image as work around to prevent
> > trouble after suspend.
> >    On omapfb image the power-management is working.
> >
> >
> I did test the omapfb image:
> 1) the activity switcher showed activities, but adding an activity or
> changing the settings of the existing activities locked up the activity
> edit screen
> 2) omapfb image got stuck in a loop: it said it wanted to lock the screen,
> but went to sleep state instead. No way to get out the cycle. Reinstalling
> the image and trying to locking/sleep these things in active settings
> didn't work.
> As I am trying to develop an active app, i prefer the pvr image, no power
> management is better than malfunctioning power management. But these issues
> should be discussed in a bugtracker.
> What I really want to say here is:
> bugs.kde.org is rather overwhelming for someone not involved. And I really
> want to get involved getting such issues revloved. I work with Qt on debian
> x86 at work. Some good documentation and/or guidance should get me going.
the kde lockscreen issue you are describing sounds exactly like the reason
why we disabled the Power-management for pvr. Please make sure you are using
the image related 'zImage-for-omapfb-rootfs-on-<type>' kernel deployed it into
'zImage' renamed by the Archos SDE. Sorry if the howto point not out that you
cannot mix pvr/omapfb kernel and root filesystem, but with the right zImage
it should work.

I can confirm the that the 'Edit Activity' or 'Add Resources' will get stuck on
image. It would be very nice if you could file a bug about to:

Bug Tracker URL: https://bugs.kde.org/
Product: Active
Component: General
Hardware Platform: MeeGo/Harmattan
Operating System: Linux

Also please add the image name which you are using to the Details section.

Please note, the Plasma Active Mer images are build from parts which are
maintained by three different communities (Plasma Active, Neno and Mer).
Sometimes it is a bit hard to address a bug to the right place, so its
always a good idea to get in contact with the active people on #active
channel before filing.

Great thanks for your feedback and help to get Plasma Active stabilized.
Your help is very welcome!



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