On Thursday 06 September 2012, Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
> - One big problem still in there is the fact that the drag & drop "ghost"
> is not shown while the finger is still positioned over any resource icon.
> This gives the impression that the dragging wasn't recognized until you
> drag past the other resource icons. I just did a "one person usability
> test" on this and the outcome was pretty much disastrous. The user simply
> thought that dragging didn't work at all.
> The dragging operation definitely needs to be visualized right after it's
> started.

not sure what do you mean,
the operation starts when the finger is moved, like on the desktop, can't be 
started before..

> Then there a few things that could still be optimized (although I don't see
> them as a must-have for PA3):
> - The drag & drop "ghost" feels a little weird with the vertical offset.
> Placing it directly at the cursor position would certainly make the
> dragging feel more direct. The problem would of course be that you
> couldn't see where you're dragging anymore. Could the ghost be made

yeah, i plan to change after pa3, atm there is no api for that, so would mean 
a dependency from kde 4.10 ;)

> slightly transparent? - The "Current Activity" filter is nice, but it
> would be much more useful if the Activitieswere drop targets like the
> tags. That way users could very easily add resources to activities without
> having to go through SLC or the Add Items dialog for each association.
> - I think the concave effect actually does help users to recognize that
> they can drop stuff "into" tags. Could you make the "holes" a little
> deeper to make it even more clear?

yeah, that can be done

> > We also definitely need much more extensive testing compared to the
> > previous release. There are many small things which are often affected
> > by regressions (especially everything related to Activities and
> > resources) that only show when you actually try to _use_ your device
> > (like moving files from and to USB sticks, adding and removing resources
> > of many different kinds to Activities, using private Activities etc.).
> > It often happens to me that when I install an image on my Wetab and play
> > around with it a bit, everything seems fine. But then when I use it more
> > extensively, problems start appearing all over the place. And I
> > personally would like to be able to show PA3 to someone without having
> > to fear that he or she might do something that I causes all sorts of
> > bugs to pop up.
> There are still some bugs left which I'd call release blockers, I'll add
> comments to the corresponding reports.

what are those you think are the worse ones?

Marco Martin
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