Marco hi,
in my opinion we should clean up the changes files inside OBS
before. This means dropping all automatically CI entries till last
release. I would suggest a replacement by an qualified changelog
entry, but sadly have no time to do it on my own.
So far I know the osc commands like 'osc commit' get stuck
very often when the changes files are too big.
Please drop me a line when I should switch CI to other branches.

On October 16, 2012 at 12:21 PM Marco Martin <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> this week i want to reopen features development in master of plasma-mobile,
> contour, sharelikeconnect and whatnot.
> so this will mean merging some branches that are hanging around since some
> time that require master of kde-runtime and nepomuk-core
> (this also means continuous integration on the Devel project will go on
> master, could be put on 4.9 branches on the Testing project if really needed)
> so, any strong opinions on this?
> Cheers,
> Marco Martin
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