On Friday 02 November 2012, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> Hi...
> I sat with Marco today to work out task priorities. Since this is about
> polishing, bugs get highest priority, UI polishing second and new but
> necessary functionality third.
> Within each of those categories we've prioritized in three priorities as
> follows:

so, a bit of time passed,
and some work happened in Files. To summarize,
some visual issues have been fixed, and the underlying metadata model has been 
The last point is very important (even tough is of the type everything 
changed, but if all goes fine looks like nothing has changed) and sadly taken 
quite a lot of time.

now basically two important points remain to be done:
* file rename/tag rename/tag deletion
* type specific ui, that shows metadata only present in a particular resource 
type, such as filter by Author

those still miss an UI design at all... any idea? ;)

Marco Martin
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