On Friday 25 January 2013, Kevin Krammer wrote:

> > attached patch partially fixes the issue, does it look correct?
> > still have to try on the device but the agents seem to work correctly
> > after the first akonadi startup (the first time it runs it still have
> > the symptoms)
> As I said before I don't know a lot about the database part, but as far as
> I can tell this looks ok.
> However, I am wondering whether it might not be better to do this with a
> single if/else in querybuilder, i.e. not access the cache at all if we are
> on SQLite.

i did put it here since i didn't knew if that code was going to be used 
somewhere else as well, to cover all possible cases.

if is used only there in querybuilder (and is absolutely not supposed to be 
used elsewhere), then yes, looks cleaner to just put the if in querybuilder, 
I'll do what i'm told to do :p

Anyways, I'm trying now the patch on obs to see if the problem is fixed also 
on device

Marco Martin
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