Am Dienstag, 5. Februar 2013, 13:00:20 schrieben Sie:
> > But as it will take a while, to get there, i think, you should give the
> > user ways to work i the old way, as long as the new way is not there. An
> > example: as long as tagging is not really working in files and existing
> > tags in media files are not read, the possibility to browse folders in
> > Plasma-Mediacenter should be back. Without it, one can't really test and
> > use it.
> Well... sorry, but we won't do that. If you choose a paradigm shift as big
> as  the one from a folder hierarchy to semantic information only, you have
> to go all the way.
> If we reactivate file system browsing in any application because it
> doesn't  fully support Nepomuk, users will start organizing their files in
> a folder hierarchy again, something which other applications in Plasma
> Active don't support. Thus the whole concept falls flat on its face.
> Plus, if we reactivated the file system browsing, you'd have a workaround
> for  any Nepomuk-related problems and might simply forget about them, thus
> depriving us of your feedback. So as mean as it may sound: You as an early
> adopter will have to suffer a bit for the benefit of all the users who can
> enjoy a polished product in the end ;)
> And specifically: What do you mean by "tagging is not really working in
> files"?  Could you more precisely tell us what doesn't work? If there are
> bugs, please report them in Bugzilla. If there are features missing or
> usability problems present, tell us either on Bugzilla or via email.
> That tags from media files are not read by PMC is a big issue, because a
> media  center has to work with metadata, not a folder hierarchy. Bangarang
> has shown how that works, it's just lacking a more touch-friendly UI.
> If PMC isn't usable at the moment with Nepomuk data, that has to be fixed, 
> instead of just reactivating the workaround aka the file system browser.
> > And you should give the users a choice of more software. When you offer
> > Marbel in a version which is not optimized for a touch screen, why don't
> > you offer for example kstars? I know from the slx-image, that it is
> > usable in PA; or for example some educational software? Or is there a
> > way to install from another repro?

Thank you (and Aaron) for making clear the reasons for not offering "the old 
way". It makes really sense for me, so i will wait patiently.

By tagging not really working i mean, that the tags in my music-files and my 
pictures are not used in files. I have a lot of pictures, which i tagged in 
digikam. It would be great, if files or the mpc would recognize and use them.
Once i had about 300 pictures on my wetab. Without using the tags which are 
set in digikam, one can not handle them.


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