
I would like to do my little bit of contributing to PA, by the means of caring 
for the packaging of Calligra. Given that I meanwhile got knee-deep into 
Calligra code and project :) I also have an interest to make it shine as much 
as possible on PA.

So I would e.g. care to have the latest (now 2.6.0, not 2.6 beta1) stuff 
packaged and also have the CSV import filter properly installed ;) (Would for 
me also yield some experience how packagers experience the Calligra code 

Some may remember I had been involved in the community packaging of KDE 
software for MeeGo, so you can expect some level of experience. 

So how could I help with this? What wiki pages/docs can I read to prepare 
before I say Hi on #active during the WE?

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