On Monday, February 11, 2013 22:42:08 Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> 1. Step: Packaging setup
> What do you recommend to me to try & test the packaging?
> I have available:
> * ExoPC (as spread by Intel on the Berlin DesktopSummit)
> * 64-bit desktop computer running OpenSuse Tumbleweed with some cores to use
> In MeeGo times I had some chrooted image on my laptop where I tried the 
> packaging locally before I pushed any changed to OBS. I scanned the PA wiki 
> pages shortly for something similar, but did not find any real notes about
> packaging.
> So how do you do the packaging?
> Ah, just discovered that Mer seems to have continued that approach to a
> devel  env: https://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/Platform_SDK
> And Mer also would be the most interesting platform to me, so would favor
> to  test/do packaging there.

Yep, exactly that. :)

> And how are packaging rules ported between the different platforms (Mer, 
> MeeGo, Balsam/OpenSuse 12.1, other?) supported ATM? 

Easy: they are not shared. We usually do the packaging on top of Mer, and have 
other distros pick it up, possibly being inspired by the Mer packaging. Mer is 
the only system we do QA for, with our limited resources.

> Now please your hints.
> Will try to summarize and put up into the wiki, once I have a picture.

If you've questions, #active and #mer are useful resources on IRC, so is this 
list (as you've discovered).


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