On Friday 29 March 2013 20:13:47 Marco Martin wrote:
> Hi all,
> so, as i said yesterday, today i did a little sprint on the issues we
> discussed yesterday.
> so, right now in integration there are either fixes or workarounds for
> 313565 314141 314553 (314902? no idea, should be tested more) 317490

I can confirm that everything except 314902 (see comment) is fixed/successfully 
worked around. I like! :)
I hope you can find the cause for 314902 (it's actually easily reproducible, 
tagging works only once for each instance of Files).
Do you have any ideas for 316158 yet, and is it possible to compile Nepomuk 
with taglib to fix 317460?

> also there are some fixes for the orientation stuff and the new theme is
> here too.
> please still test, sincei have completely proximity blindness for stuff that
beneficial.> i wrote :p

What would be test cases for the theme? Where might it break?

> in general, seems to be still not perfect but slowly coming together.

Agreed. There are still three serious bugs around, but you've been driving the 
number down impressively quickly :)
> one thing that sadly i don't feel to consider good enough for tagging in two
> days is rotation. is something that hasn't been toroughly tested and just
> seeing the status after diving in the code today there are still some
> serious issues.
> in particular seems that sometimes the top panel disappears after rotation
> and the files app also doesn't behave very well with a screen around
> 1024x600, so that should be taken into consideration.

I didn't see the top bar disappear yet. How did you trigger that?
You can see that Files wasn't made for portrait, but I think it works okay for 
now. I think people will use portrait mostly for reading long text and use 
landscape for everything else, so even in its current state it's better than 
nothing. Maybe we should call it "experimental" ;)

> i'm now trying to remove some duplicate packages in kde:devel:mw, so then i
> can create kde:testing:*
> so, please test (and aaron, branches that you feel good enough please merge
> them into master)

I'm testing away, but one tester is probably not enough to ensure good 
quality. Therefore I hope that others will test, too!

> i won't be available from tomorrow to monday (likely to appear monday
> evening/night tough) so in monday evening/tuesday we can make a point of the
> situation of the testing

I guess we'll need more time to fix the remaining blockers, then, unless you 
them all on Monday night ;)
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