Am Samstag, 30. März 2013, 10:48:56 schrieb Thomas Pfeiffer:
> On Saturday 30 March 2013 08:46:33 Wolfgang Romey wrote:
> > I have updated my wetab with integration this morning and found three
> > issues:
> > 
> > - I cannot trigger rotation
> What did you try to do to trigger rotation? Do you see a rotation icon in
> the top bar?
I updated again, but i don't have any rotation icon in the top bar.

> > - after using my wetab for a longer time, the screen gets darker and it
> > is not possible to get it lighter. So there still seems to be something
> > with the powermanagement.
> I don't think this has anything to do with PA's power management code,
> since it pops up pretty randomly on WeTab, varying from boot to boot. It's
> pretty annoying, but I think it's caused by a problem on a much lower
> level of the stack :( Try rebooting, it might work perfectly next time...
Good to know, that it is not the fault of PA

> General hint: It's useful to look through recent bug changes before testing
> to see the current status and avoid having to write down stuff that's
> already known ;)
Got the hint.


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