On Monday 22 April 2013 22:32:02 Sebastian Kügler wrote:
>Hi Jan,
>On Monday, April 22, 2013 20:08:37 Jan Grulich wrote:
>> I would like to join to GSoC and I have my own idea. Since we are working
>> on
>> a new plasma network applet I think it would be great to improve this
>> applet for Plasma active because the current applet is not simply usable.
>> I've already talked about it with Lamarque on the solid sprint but I need
>> also some co-mentor from Plasma active (if somebody like this idea).
>Cool thing. I might be able to co-mentor you. I'll let the idea sink and will
>provide feedback.
>> The idea is:
>> Network applet for Plasma applet written in plasma2:
>> 1) Customize our applet for Plasma active and use plasma2
>> 2) Write some basic editor in QML instead of using QWidgets and drop
>> support for unnecessary devices and properties

        Plasma Active has its own system settings program different from 
the one used in Plasma Desktop. It is called plasma active settings (or just 


        I thought we could add a module to active settings to manage wifi, 
mobile and vpn connections only, maybe wired (thinking of wired USB). The 
module would also allow to create wifi shared connections (hot spots).

>> 3) Maybe some KCM for Plasma active

        Active settings is not kcm based. You will need to create a mobule 
specific to active settings. You can find active settings in plasma-mobile 
repository (under applications/settings folder).

>> 4) Add support for activities

        That is one topic I have been thinking for some months. We need 
to think about the use cases for that.

Lamarque V. Souza
KDE's Network Management maintainer
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