Hi Jan,

On Thursday, April 25, 2013 08:33:22 Jan Grulich wrote:
> >> 4) Add support for activities
> > 
> > Why? What use cases do you have in mind? (I'm not saying it's nonsense,
> > just that it does not directly pop up in front of my virtual eye what
> > will happen here.)
> For example: 1) Home - try to automatically connect to your home wifi
>                       2) Work - automatically connect to VPN
>                       3) Travel - turn off wifi and mobile broadband or
> active mobile broadband connection
> The fact is, that NetworkManager automatically connects to some
> available and configured connection so maybe activities support will be
> useless.

That could be very useful. I can also imagine to have it switched off (also 
bluetooth, and everything), when you're on a flight or train and want to 
conserve battery -- although that should be possible in any activity).

> >> 5) ???? if you have any other ideas
> > 
> > I think getting these pieces right would be wonderful. I'd rather see a
> > smaller set of well-working pieces, than a lot of bells and whistles.
> > 
> > One more thing: As you probably know, Plasma2 and Frameworks5 is very much
> > a moving target right now. Before you commit to some kind of timeline,
> > have a good look at how much work needs to be put into porting
> > dependencies before you can actually start on the NM UI. That (and
> > probably most of your other work, too) will benefit also the desktop
> > version (as it often happens with Plasma).
> Could you please tell me more informations about porting to Plasma2 and
> Frameworks5? I can't imagine how long may take porting to Plasma2 a
> Frameworks5.
> I've found only [1] and I think that porting to Plasma2 will be easy,
> but I have no idea about porting to Frameworks5.
> [1] http://community.kde.org/Plasma/PortingTolibplasma2
> <http://community.kde.org/Plasma/PortingTolibplasma2>

That, and you'll also need to port to Qt5 and QtQuick2: 

How much work it is depends on a lot of details, though. It's hard to put it 
in a general way. Especially dependencies (such as libnm / libmm not being 
available on top of Qt5 (and their dependencies) might bite you.


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