Awesome. I have a Mentor :)
I took some time off to get (university) stuff done so sorry for not
replying the last week.

Considering your feedback I tried to find a project approach that achieves
two things:
1. Lots of experimentation on the UX side as Thomas (and I)  want to use
this project to evaluate current Plasma Active UI/UX possibilities.
2. A stable/fast application because I don't want to invest a summer just
to produce something that can/will not be used by anybody.

So my idea is to use the first half of my time to experiment and produce a
prototype that can serve as a bases for further UI/UX development for
Kontact Touch. And use the second half to work on Kontact Touchs codebase
doing cleanup and gradually port things of the prototype over.This way, the
results of the second half could be gradually reviewed and merged like it
was suggested.

I think this is a good tradeoff. What do you think?

Here is the yet another and hopefully the final version of my proposal:


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