Thanks for your feedback and your insights.

> One thing that should be added to your proposal is deployment: Thomas wont
> > be able to even have a look at your work if you don't update packages on
> > Mer OBS. That doesn't have to be a lot of work, but should definitely be
> > part of your proposal.
> It's briefly mentioned in "set up dev environment (obs)", but I agree that
> it
> makes sense to write somewhere that there will be regular package updates.
> As
> sebas said: I can't compile stuff for the tablet myself, so I need
> packages on
> OBS whenever I'm supposed to try something out (maybe I can swap out QML
> files,
> but everything which is compiled needs to come to me in compiled form).

added to Implementation details.

I do like sebas' idea of mixing the two main tasks you outlined instead of
> doing them strictly one after another. in order to make sure that we at
> least
> have _something_ working in the end, come what may.
> Maybe you can chop your work into different UI parts which each get a
> design
> and an implementation cycle, instead of one big design cycle folowed by one
> big implementation cycle.

Sounds very reasonable to me.
I divided the work into 5 tasks:
# general layout
# mail list
# display mail
# compose mail
# folder (or whatever way we come up to browse the mail)

We could do 4 of them working 3 weeks on each task with a qml
mockup/prototype followed by the actual implementation.
I can use the idle time (waiting for your feedback) during each mockup
phase to do small tasks like porting a button or things like that.

I am a little worried that the whole project is too much work for me in the
given time. Like stated before "asking for a full rewrite of a mail
application UI within a single GSOC is asking for a bit much". If I don't
progress as expected we could skip one of the above tasks and instead focus
on polishing the remaining three.

Going completely crazy: The whole project looks a lot more achievable if I
pick Tasks or Notes instead of Mail...
But I guess we can't come up with a UX that will work across Kontact Touch
as some problems will only show with complex applications like Mail ?

reworked proposal:

I think we need to start earlier with the mockups for the general design as
we wont have that much time during the GSoC period as I hoped. I
will try to come up with some Pencil mockups next weeks so that we have a
head start.


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