On Saturday 11 May 2013 17:34:43 Michael Bohlender wrote:
> I tryed to use Pencil for mockups last week but I was not able to come up
> with something usefull. There are no standard components for plasma active,
> so I needed to build them myself and I didn't have the time for that...  I
> gave it another shot this weekend using qml right away and I was way more
> productive:

Yes, without having stencils for the Plasma Components available, Pencil 
probably won't make anyone more productive than doing it in QML right away, 
and it's okay with me to use QML for mockups, as long as I won't hear "I don't 
want to change that, I already put so much work into creating it" ;)
> https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B2wLkUtvD4v_SjBnTWx5YklnRTQ&usp=shar
> ing

> Note that this is just a braindump to get started. I will need to take a
> more structured approach during gsoc for doing and assesing mockups.
> This means: actually listing all  the requirements and a  way to juge a
> specific mockup by them.

I won't go into detail at this stage, but there's one thing I can say: It 
already looks much more like PA than what we currently have :)
> Now that I have something to work with, I will have a look at packaging /
> obs.
> About the git workflow:
> Would it make sense to :
> # Put the mockups in my personal scretch repository
> # Do feature branches  during gsoc in kde-pim for each of the 4 working
> phases with the goal to merge them at the end of each phase

That's for the techies to answer ;)
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