On Tuesday 14 May 2013 17:30:49 Michael Bohlender wrote:
> > Some small bits of early feedback:

I had originally planned to wait with feedback until there is a version which 
you considered "ready for review", but since others already gave feedback, 
I'll add mine:
> > * getting rid of all the repeated buttons for delete, etc. in the list
> > would
> > imho be nice. it's a LOT of visual noise and i'm concerned that on smaller
> > screens they will take up space from the subject text and even be hard to
> > hit
> > accurately with the finger. perhaps move the buttons to the mostly-empty
> > toolbar and require a "select and chose the action" workflow? you already
> > have
> > this in the mail view (the 2nd) mockup, so .. :)
> +1  visual noise and smaller screens are an issue.
> I wanted to allow a lion mail like workflow with the initial page. Therefor
> it would be good to offer these buttons with just one interaction (in this
> case tab) and not two. I was also thinking about enabling
> delete/important/unread/open actions by sliding the list item left/right
> half/complete but I don't know if/how I can make that work/consistent with
> the general app navigation (swiping left/right for next/prev page).

Something that works great with touchscreens and which is already used 
extensively in Files is drag & drop, so this is what should be used here as 
We already have an "important" - "folder", so marking as important should be 
done by simply dragging one or multiple mails there. The same goes for moving 
to trash, so these two buttons can simply be removed and the interaction is 
consistent with Files.
Opening should be done by simple tapping, so no need for an "open" button 
(it's only there in Lionmail because it's opened in a seperate application, 
since Lionmail is not an email client per se. In an email client, anything 
other than a simple tap to open an email in a list would be weird and 
inconsistent with the Column-based Navigation pattern.
What does the "down arrow" button do?

> * in the editor the sidebar is on the right rather than the left like every
> > other mockup. any reason for that?
> the sidebar in 1 and 2 is for navigation/browsing that will give you
> another main area while the sidebar in 3 (editor) is for interaction with
> the main areas content. I could make the sidebar in 1 and 2  use the same
> background as the main area (like the pagerow in bodega client)
> to make this even more evident.

Yes. Since you're using the same pattern (Column-based navigation, 
http://community.kde.org/Plasma/Active/Development/ActiveHIG/ColumnViews), it 
should look and feel similar to Add Ons. Actually, would it be possible to use 
the actual PageRow component here? If not, why not? Our goal is to re-use 
Plasma Components as much as possible, so if they are not suited, this may 
indicate that they need to be improved.

About the Composer view: I like the way KMail handles adding new recipients 
(always leaving one empty row and adding one whenever the last empty row is 
used), would it be possible to use that in KMail Touch as well?

Keep up the good work!
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