On Friday, August 30, 2013 10:40:16 Carl Symons wrote:
> Is the following still true?
> Plasma Active is a joint project by the KDE community, basysKom and
> open-slx. How about makeplaylive/coherent theory?

yes, would be nice to be credited there :)

> Is the following still true?
> The official Plasma Active image is based on Mer and is provided by
> basysKom.

not really; we’ve done most (all?) of the work on the Mer image this time 
around and it remains to be seen if the image itself will be hosted on 
basyskom’s server ... i think it would probably be best to just remove any 
mention of a company there so we don’t have to keep a running effort to reflect 
reality as this may (and will) change over time.

> The page says...
> "WeTab/ExoPC, AdventVega, Nexus 7, Point of View and Archos as well as
> Nokia N950."
> There is nothing about AdventVega or Point of View in the wiki. Unless
> someone has installed Plasma Active successfully on these machines and
> they are around to tell about it, these two should be removed.

agreed; these need to be pruned down *and* as a separate long-term action item 
we need to work on a strategy to support device adaptations.

Aaron J. Seigo

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