On Friday, August 30, 2013 8:33 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Friday, August 30, 2013 10:40:16 Carl Symons wrote:
> > Is the following still true?
> > Plasma Active is a joint project by the KDE community, basysKom and
> > open-slx. How about makeplaylive/coherent theory?
> yes, would be nice to be credited there :)

Which do you prefer--makeplaylive or coherent theory? And what form should it 
be in?

> > Is the following still true?
> > The official Plasma Active image is based on Mer and is provided by
> > basysKom.
> not really; we’ve done most (all?) of the work on the Mer image this time
> around and it remains to be seen if the image itself will be hosted on
> basyskom’s server ... i think it would probably be best to just remove any
> mention of a company there so we don’t have to keep a running effort to
> reflect reality as this may (and will) change over time.

change from:
The official Plasma Active image is based on <a 
 and is provided by <a 

The official Plasma Active image is based on <a 

> > The page says...
> > "WeTab/ExoPC, AdventVega, Nexus 7, Point of View and Archos as well as
> > Nokia N950."
> > There is nothing about AdventVega or Point of View in the wiki. Unless
> > someone has installed Plasma Active successfully on these machines and
> > they are around to tell about it, these two should be removed.
> agreed; these need to be pruned down *and* as a separate long-term action
> item we need to work on a strategy to support device adaptations.

The announcement can include an invitation to experiment with various devices.

There is a parallel with loading Linux on PCs in the early days. These days 
installing a mainstream Linux distribution is dead simple. It wasn't always 
like that. If there is anyone around who did that (the hard way), please reply 
with something about that. What did it take to get Linux loaded on a PC? 
(Serious difficulties...what were they?)



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