I have had a lot of problems to get mailboxes created for Exchange 2000.
My guess is your problem is the same.  Mine was account password
policies.  You need to set the "userAccountControl" property to allow
the user to be created with no password.  That is done with this

' enable password for user
        adsuserobject.Put "userAccountControl", 512 + 32

Then  call your mailbox create procedure

Then set the "userAccountControl" to back...
 ' enable password for user
        adsuserobject.Put "userAccountControl", 512 + 32

Then set your password.....
        ' set password
        adsuserobject.SetPassword "password"

Below is the mailbox create procedure code that I got from CDOLIVE.com
that I have modified for my use.  Hope this helps.



Sub CreateMailbox (straduserobject,stremailaddress)

Dim objExchangeServer           ' As CDOEXM.ExchangeServer
Dim objDNSInfo                  ' As ActiveDs.ADSystemInfo
Dim objNTInfo                   ' As ActiveDs.WinNTSystemInfo
Dim objRootDSE                  ' As ActiveDs.IADsContainer
Dim objMailboxStore             ' As CDOEXM.IMailboxStore
Dim objRecipient                ' As CDOEXM.IMailRecipient
Dim objUser                     ' As ActiveDs.IADsUser
Dim objContainer                ' As ActiveDs.IADsContainer
DIM strHomeMDBUrl

DIM strServer
DIM strExchSG
DIM strExchAG
DIM strExchOrg
DIM strDomainName
DIM strDNSDomainName

Set objDNSInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
Set objNTInfo = CreateObject("WinNTSystemInfo")
Set objRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE";)

strExchOrg = "WSCC"
strExchAG = "First Administrative Group"
strExchSG = "First Storage Group"
strServer = objNTInfo.ComputerName
strDNSDomainName = objDNSInfo.DomainDNSName
strDomainName = objRootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext")

strHomeMDBUrl = "CN=Mailbox Store (" & strServer & "),CN=" & strExchSG &
"," & _
                "CN=InformationStore,CN=" & strServer & ",CN=Servers," &
                "CN=" & strExchAG & ",CN=Administrative Groups," & _
                "CN=" & strExchOrg & ",CN=Microsoft
Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration," & strDomainName
                '"CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft
Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration," & strDomainName

Set objExchangeServer = CreateObject("CDOEXM.ExchangeServer")

' Get CDOEXM mailbox store interface from ADSI user
                Set objMailboxStore = straduserobject

                ' Get CDOEXM recipient interface from ADSI user
                Set objRecipient = straduserobject

                ' Set Exchange 2000 Server mailbox home database
                'WScript.Echo strHomeMDBUrl
                objMailboxStore.CreateMailbox strHomeMDBUrl

                ' Check for errors
                If Err.Number = 0 Then

                        ' Save properties
                        With straduserobject

                                ' Make entry visible in Exchange address
                                .Put "msExchHideFromAddressLists", FALSE

                                'save changes
                        End With
                End If

                ' Check for errors
                'If Err.Number = 0 Then

                        ' Write mailbox restrictions
                        With objMailboxStore

                                ' Disable store defaults
                                .EnableStoreDefaults = True

                                ' Issue warning at (KB)
                                '.StoreQuota = 1000

                                ' Prohibit send at (KB)
                                '.OverQuotaLimit = 10000

                                ' Prohibit send and receive at (KB)
                                '.HardLimit = 100000
                        End With
                        with objRecipient
                                'set secondary email address
                                .ProxyAddresses ="smtp:" &
stremailaddress & "@domain.com"
                                'set default SMTP
                                .SMTPEmail = stremailaddress &
                        end with

                        ' Set the delivery restriction settings and
proxy addresses
                        With objRecipient
                                ' If either of these is -1, then the
system defaults are being used
                                ' Outgoing message size
                                .OutgoingLimit = -1

                                ' Incoming message size
                                .IncomingLimit = -1
                        End With

                        ' Save properties


end sub

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 12:13 PM
Subject: [ActiveDir] ADC Programming
Importance: High

Hello Everyone,

Question for you all.

I have the ADC installed from the Exchange 2000 CD on my Win2k Server
DC.  I have all the right CA's configured. I am trying to automate the
creation of user accounts through a adsi and asp scripts.  I can get the
users created, but am having difficulty creating the mailboxes.  Does
anyone know the coding for creating mailboxes through AD for Exchange
5.5 using the ADC?

Justin A. Salandra, MCSE
Senior Network Engineer
Catholic Healthcare System
914.681.8117 office
646.483.3325 cell

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