I'm slowly working on something like that over here:

Its by no means complete, but its slowly getting flushed out a bit.

Of course, it probably shouldn't be running on a FreeBSD/Apache/PHP
combination, though... ;)

Roger D. Seielstad - MTS MCSE MS-MVP
Sr. Systems Administrator
Inovis Inc.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 8:04 AM
> Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] suggestions for OU delegation 
> information sources
> Yeah I will get on this bandwagon as well and say that the 
> Cookbook is a good book. The format will really fit what a 
> lot of AD Admins out there need when they think, "You know I 
> just need to do this or that, I wonder if it is in the 
> cookbook?" - "Oh cool, here it is, with several different 
> ways to do it... Sort of like TIMTOWTDI man, rock on, this 
> Robbie guy must have a perl mindset...". 
> But again, once you understand that one and are still hungry, 
> get Managing Enterprise Active Directory Services. Then you 
> will really be geared for some serious admin work (after your 
> head stops spinning), then you go and find Gil's Active 
> Directory Programming and have even more fun....
> If it doesn't exist somewhere (I am not aware of it) we 
> should build a web page with must have reading for AD with 
> descriptions and what the paper or book or web page is aimed 
> at (dev or admin or quick howto or ?) and ratings or something. 
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tony Murray
> Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 7:08 AM
> Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] suggestions for OU delegation 
> information sources
> You might indeed have to wait for Robbie's Cookbook, but you 
> can pre-order at Amazon:
> http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0596004648/qid=10558547
> 21/sr=2-1/
> ref=sr_2_1/104-1580686-2322327
> I've seen it and I think Robbie's done a fantastic job.
> Tony
> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> Date:  Thu, 19 Jun 2003 22:07:06 -0700
> >Bob is right - this is a must have on your shelf (along with Robbie's
> book(s), of course!)
> I thought Robbie's stuff went with out saying :-]
> These are the books that never make it to my bookshelfs, they 
> stay either _on_  my desk or in the car, that's as high of a 
> tribute as I can pay to any book. 
> In all honesty, I must admit to being veyy envious of Rick 
> and Joe who have already seen Robbie's new book. The rest of 
> us mere mortals must wait till it's published. I knew I 
> should have kissed up to Robbie at DEC more <VBG>
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 7:14 PM
> Anyone that doesn't have this book is really, REALLY missing 
> out on a true great book on AD.  This book has detailed 
> subjects that most other authors have not drilled into as 
> well.  Plus, the illustrations that they use
> (visually) are great.
> Robbie - your update to the AD book is wonderful.  But, these 
> two Finns did a GREAT job with a book that is absolutely 
> phenominal on what it covers. And, it covers it very well.
> Bob is right - this is a must have on your shelf (along with 
> Robbie's book(s), of course!)
> Rick Kingslan  MCSE, MCSA, MCT
> Microsoft MVP - Active Directory
> Associate Expert
> Expert Zone - www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/expertzone
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Free, Bob
> Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 5:02 PM
> Some of the better coverage I've seen of the subject is in 
> Chapter 4 of Inside Active Directory: A System 
> Administrator's Guide (ISBN: 0-201-61621-1), By Sakari Kouti 
> and Mike Seitsonen
> If you don't have the book (highly recommended BTW) MS 
> published that particular chapter on TechNet.
> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/default.asp?url=/tec
> hnet/prodt
> echnol/AD/windows2000/deploy/confeat/securead.asp
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 1:45 PM
> To: Active Directory Mailing List (E-mail)
> Hi All!
>     As we continue to "flesh out" our AD structure, we are 
> trying to give delegation authority for various objects in 
> OUs to the appropriate groups. Being a "control freak", I 
> don't want to give these groups full control over all of the 
> objects in the OU since this is also where our user accounts 
> sit. We've done some experimenting with modifying the 
> delegwiz.inf file to create custom templates but find that 
> information for  exact permissions needed to do a particular 
> task is somewhat scarce.  Has anyone put together a custom 
> delegwiz.inf file that we could "borrow" from?  Is there any 
> literature out there regarding delegation that someone would 
> recommend?  Any help is always appreciated!  Thanks!
> Mike Thommes
> Argonne National Laboratory
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