Still searching for an answer on this one… Anybody have an idea?


On the server, I set up the GPO to reflect certain sites under the Intranet and Trusted sites. I also set the GPO to disable the users ability to add/remove sites, and change their home page.


As of right now, users can not add/remove sites from the Security Zones, nor can they change their default home page. (Which is what I wanted). However, each time any workstation reboots, the sites that I set under Intranet/Trusted are removed and what was originally there comes back. (i.e., etc). Each time, on the server, I remove the specific zones, add the ones I want, then run secedit from the command prompt. Users receive the policy change no problem, until they reboot.

Where should I look for the problem here? I’m at a loss.


Server: Windows 2000 AS SP4

Workstations: Windows 2000 SP4





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