
Here’s something you might want to think about regarding your Compaq servers.




From: Phillip Rabago [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2003 4:48 AM
Cc: Jan Beckman


George, a colleague of mine forwarded your message to me.  You may want to forward this reply to Jim Patton.


I had a similar incident when upgrading a server (DL380) to SP4.  After many attempts by tech support to resolve without rebuilding, they were ready to toss in the towel and suggested to rebuild.  We talked a few minutes more and realized that one major step that seemed innocuous at the time, was probably the culprit.


During SP4 installation you're asked if you want to replace cpqarray.sys (filename may be wrong, but it's close) and another similar file.  DON'T replace them.  They are the harddrive array drivers.  If you replace them you won't be able to boot properly. 


Anyway, the solution (which isn't sanctioned by them, but was offered as sidebar by a tech who'd happened to have a similar experience) is to download the files from Compaq/HP and then create a floppy with the drivers on it, and use the floppy during Windows 2000 setup.  Run Windows 2000 setup, hit F6 to select 3rd party array drivers from the floppy and finish the install.  I don't recall the actual install that I ran, but I think I ran the repair rather that the normal install.  But the important step is to get the machine to a command prompt and copy the files to their proper location.


Sorry to be so vague in my description, but I was not feeling well at the time, I didn't take notes, and left as soon as I got the server rebooted and working (and didn't want to think about it again).  With any luck, this will reach Jim in time, if he hasn't found this or another solution already.


BTW, as a side note, I've found that making sure the AV software is turned off AND emptying ALL temp and cache folders, makes the chance of a successful installation nearly 100%.  I haven't had a difficult install on any machine in which I've emptied all these folders first.




Phillip Rabago



-----Original Message-----
From: Jan Beckman
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 7:17 AM
To: Phillip Rabago; Cheryl L. Qualls; James S. Sharp; Rashid Jasim; David Martin; Hal Taberner; Bill Siemsen; Erik S. Lasiewski
Subject: FW: [ActiveDir] Server Reboot problem after SP4 installation

I have been monitoring the discussion groups for any problems popping up after installing W2k SP4. Thought I would share this one in case others have these server models.



-----Original Message-----
From: George Arezina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 11:21 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Server Reboot problem after SP4 installation


I could not agree with you more. Most techie support guys fall back on the same answer, "rebuild your server". I would really like to see them rebuild a server if they did not have extra hardware to fall back on. I ran in the same trouble with Dell servers. We have Dell 1400, 2400, 2550, and 4400 servers. After my install of SP4 on 2550 series, problems became evident. I read back in July an article on SP4 http://www.winnetmag.com/Articles/Index.cfm?ArticleID=39644

It gave me a good warning what to expect once I installed SP4. Some of those problems appeared in my environment. I run a terminal server farm across 150 locations within Serbia. I installed SP4 on one server; my users reported all sorts of problems. I uninstalled SP4 and now run SP3 on all my servers until MS comes out with the next SP. My suggestion to you is uninstall SP4 and install only the security patches.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jim Patton
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 20:25 PM


I ran into a bit of a problem after upgrading six nearly identical servers to SP4. All six servers are Compaq DL380 G2's running Windows 2000 Server and are nearly identical when it comes to the hardware configuration. Minor differences in the total RAM and total hard drive capacity that is installed.


The problem is that of the six servers, three will no longer shutdown or reboot properly. Both the shutdown and reboot process takes me to a black screen which then makes it necessary to manually power-off the server.


Using Compaq Insight manager and the latest version of SmartStart, I've made sure that all Compaq Drivers and Bios updates have been installed. No change in the problem.


I've reapplied SP4 - no change.


I re-installed the latest Compaq video drivers - no change.


I've applied all the latest Microsoft updates and hotfixes, which have not resolved the problem.


I've replaced the main system board, CPU and Smart 5i SCSI controller in one of the three affected servers - no change.


Compaq is suggesting that I re-build the servers to resolve this software problem. That's a bit easier said than done considering that the servers in question are my first AD Domain Controller, my one and only Exchange Server, and a server used to provide services including VPN authentication.


My next course of action is to uninstall SP4 and rollback to SP3.


I was hoping that someone on this list might have already encountered this problem or may be able to offer some suggestions before I pay Microsoft to help me resolve this problem.







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