That specific example I think does make sense as it is directly related to authentication. Also putting it in the main partition gets around my other issue. GID/UID/NIS info for Unix integration also works there as it is authentication/authorization.... etc.

Lots of stuff like that.
Exchange? No, unless you have a small centralized AD or a large decentralized Exchange deployment then it makes sense to be in the main AD or you have a separate forest for Exchange that you keep entirely in the datacenter (sounds like an AD/AM implementation almost...).
I think the smaller the deployment the more you would get away with and the more intelligent it is to use app partitions over AD/AM because it is adding considerable complexity in relation to what is probably already there plus usage should be much lower. Your support model is completely different and the people involved tend to have a wide scope of control and responsibility. As you get bigger and bigger your support model gets more segregated and "binned" and things should get moved to logical locations that help facilitate that binning and segregation so responsibility of one particular thing doesn't require the ability to be able to damage some other area. I.E. Managing App partitions on a DC that you aren't overall responsible for.
We haven't had any serious well known wide spread issues yet where people started knocking down DCs with non-auth/auth type of stuff yet but once we do, if ever, a lot more people will start touting the idea of running as little as possible on DCs and questioning why in the world are we putting everything except the kitchen sink in the directory that is for making sure people are who they say they are. Obviously this will be more likely to occur in larger deployments. Actually wait... there is a hot fix in K3 it seems for a DC that gets so busy it forgets its a GC... This is a hint of what I am trying to forecast. That could be caused by users authenticating but would expect it would more often be related to machines beating a on DC getting App data.
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Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 3:28 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] "Program Data" container

really depends on the app and how it is related to security in the enterprise - similar to what Eric said rgd. ADAM "But if you don't need them (independent Schmema/DSA), don't go with it. Let's not over-engineer the solution.
I wouldn't want app specific data, which is very much related to authentication in my forest to be held on yet another directory, that I need to secure. E.g. are serial-numbers for certain smart-card authentication solutions - I sure am happy to have these added to the NOS AD and don't want them stored separately (either directly in the domain partitions or within a separate app-partition.) 
my 0.02 Euro-Cents ;-)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
Sent: Dienstag, 9. März 2004 06:42
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] "Program Data" container

I'm a big fan of DCs primarily doing authorization/authentication. The app stuff can go somewhere else to play. :oP  The more stuff you stack up on a domain controller the more chances you have of making it so it can't do its primary job. All of the other stuff is cool and all, but if it can't authenticate someone, so what.
I am Enterprise Bred I am told and maybe that accounts for that.
Throwing app partitions is adding more stuff to DCs to be managed there that has nothing to do with auth/auth. I was never a fan of the idea and when I saw the announcements of AD/AM I was quite excited and started looking at Exchange saying "hint hint". When you run 10,20,30,200,400,700 DCs the last thing you want to do is worry about which ones get the app partition for App1, App2, and AppC. Managing your replciation of the default containers is more than enough fun.
If you have an app that needs forest or domain wide coverage, that is a little better and I would start to consider it. But doing one off DCs is generally a bad idea because you start raising criticality of specific machines. Lets see on this DC I need to watch replication for this this and that. For this one that that and this. etc. Now I can look at all DCs in a given domain and I know I have either 3 partitions or 9 partitions. You come into my forest and take a shot gun to some of my DCs I will go tsk tsk, I won't go holy shit you just killed a one off. This lets me manage things in a calm cool collected manner.
As you get larger consistency wins out over most anything else for decision making processes for supportability reasons. You sacrifice some flexibility and possibly some hardware savings but support costs can easily trump that stuff if people have to overly aware of the configuration of the environment.
Plus MS has made using AD/AM a fairly painless thing.
-------------   (download joeware)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Eric Fleischman
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 12:11 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] "Program Data" container

Maybe. I'm a HUGE ADAM guy, totally love it, but if AD does the job, why introduce another infrastructure to support? If you can do it in an app partition and that is acceptable (security, performance, etc.) why bring in another set of DSA that need be supported? There are plenty of reasons to use ADAM here:

1)       Independent schema

2)       Dsa independent (security, perf, etc.) from dcs


But if you don't need them, don't go with it. Let's not over-engineer the solution. :-)





From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 7:32 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] "Program Data" container




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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Eric Fleischman
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 8:49 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] "Program Data" container

Another approach: if we are talking about w2k03, application-specific data can be put in an application partition. I love using app partitions for this sort of stuff. It lets you have a custom replication topology such that the data is only on those DCs where required, across domain boundaries, plus none of it is ever replicated to the GCs (as NDNCs are independent of PAS replication and don't participate in that process).


My $0.02




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mulnick, Al
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 2:03 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] "Program Data" container


I didn't have a link, I was just asking if you'd checked.  There is very little about what it's there for that I see so far.  This link indicates it's to be used by developers, but not a lot of detailed information beyond that"">


If your application has nothing to do with an OU, then does it matter where you put it?  I can see if you didn't want to incur the replication overhead, that it would make sense to put it in a different partition.  But I can't see why you wouldn't use an OU to at least house the data you want to store to give it some organization.  Ether way, maybe somebody from Microsoft will chime in with a really definitive link and let us know what the heck it's intended for vs. what it can be used for.....




From: Alice Joseph [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 2:35 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] "Program Data" container



Do you have any link to an MSDN page that talks about the Program Data container? If you have, let me know (I couldn't find anything, even a Google search didn't help).


Technically, yes, you can put data anywhere in Active Directory. But each of those partitions and containers are there to serve some purpose (otherwise you wouldn't need a config partition, schema partition, domain parttion and a place for LostAndFound, NTDS Quotas...etc in domain partiton - technically you could put everything under one single node in there).


And why would I want to create an OU structure for an application, if the application hasn't got anything to do with it? And how does it relate to the existence of a "Program Data" container? I just wanted to know what goes in there.


From: Mulnick, Al [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 1:31 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] "Program Data" container


Technically, you can put data anywhere you want in Active Directory.  However, is there any reason you wouldn't create your own OU structure for an application? 


Have you checked MSDN for information on the program data container to see what uses it? 


From: Alice Joseph [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 12:55 PM
Subject: [ActiveDir] "Program Data" container

What is the purpose of "Program Data" container in the domain naming context of Active Directory? Is it a general purpose container where I can store any type of data or is it meant for specific purpose?



Alice Joseph

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