All,  we are in search of the elusive single sign-on...

We are designing/testing pieces of what may become a multi-platform
authentication strategy.  We've begun with the authentication integration
with IBM's Websphere.  While we've been successful in its integration
(having Websphere on a Linux box authenticate to AD); we have a dilemma
with how the DN is created...specifically the CN.  The CN appears to
default to be the same as the 'Display Name'.  With this being the case, a
user logging into Websphere's Portal would need to login with what would
appear to them as yet another ID using their 'First' and 'Last' names.  And
that's assuming that our naming standards are intact and haven't had to
account for identical names.

A way around this appears to have the users logon name and 'Name' [CN]
fields be identical.  We would then add the "Display Name" column to ADUC
and other such AD management tools for our sanity of management.
Enforcing/ensuring this setting would not be difficult for us as we use
Aelita Enterprise Directory Manager, so we would just create a
validation/enforcement rule as well as ensure automatic policy validation.

My questions are: Has anyone else run into this problem?  Is this really a
problem or just what I'm simply supposed to do.  Are there other problems
that might arise from this change in procedure?

What kind of success have people had in having other platforms and
LDAP'able' applications authenticate to AD?


Eric Jones, Senior SE
Intel Server Group
(W) 336.424.3084
(M) 336.457.2591

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