For the first part of this question, look at the TCP/IP properties of the new client you are trying to join to the Domain. Make sure that "Enable LMHosts lookup" is unchecked, then make sure you are pointing at the correct INTERNAL DNS server ONLY (no ISP DNS in there), reboot the machine and re-attempt your join.
I know you said that you were sure that you successfully seized all the FSMO roles, but does your new DC think so? Have you tried "netdom /query FSMO" on the DC to see what it thinks?

Dèjì Akómöláfé, MCSE MCSA MCP+I
Microsoft MVP - Directory Services - we know IT
Do you now realize that Today is the Tomorrow you were worried about Yesterday?  -anon

From: Kern, Tom
Sent: Wed 5/19/2004 7:19 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] ms04-011

still doesn't work. when i try to join a win2k worstation to a domain, i get "domain cannot be contacted. check dns" error.
dns settings are fine, i can ping my dc's and dns servers from the pc.
i rebooted my dc, diabled ipsec policy agent, checked the srv records in my domain, no replication errors on my dc's. 

also, suddenly no win98 clients can logon. wins settings are correct, i can ping the wins server from my win98 clients, no errors in the wins log. i restarted the service, recreated the wins db. no errors on the pdc fsmo. still same issue.
i'm at a loss.
help! ackkkkk!!


-----Original Message-----
From: John Singler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 9:35 AM
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] ms04-011

forgot about the 2nd part of yr. question....

see this thread:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg15769.html

Kern, Tom wrote:

> i know this has been sopken of before, but i can't seem to find a pertinet email in the archives, so i apologize for this retread.
> what are the issuses with ms04-011 hot fix?
> i ask because i have some clients that are preptually stuck at the "applying security settings" screen and never log on.
> also, i have on e newly formated client that i can't join to the domain, because it can't contact the domain. this client(win2k) does not have the hotfix installed yet, but my dns server does.
> is there a know issue with this fix affecting dns? i know about the dltape and ipsec issues already, but i don't have these drivers loaded.
> thanks, and sorry for the rehash.
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John Singler
Systems Administrator
School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
3800 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6044

"life is a killer" -- John Giorno
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