Title: AD, GPO and Technet
I prefer to do it per machine assignment. The reasoning is, and correct me if I am wrong, that if I, or some other admin, goes to another computer(such as a normal user) and logs in, then TechNet would install on 'that' computer. If I do it by machine, then I know that it will only install on the computers I want, and no others.
Let me back up a sec;
I first I did the following -

Performing an Administrative Install and Copying to a Network Share

Two options exist for creating administrative installs and copying TechNet to a network share.

A. Automated Administrative Installs: Netcopy.exe, located at the root of Technical Information CD 1 and International Technical Information CD 1, is an executable that facilitates administrative installs by walking administrators through the creation of a network installation point from which users can install TechNet. This tool automates many of the steps that administrators have previously had to run manually, which are described below and are still valid.

NOTE:  Administrators can use Netcopy.exe for quiet installs by typing the following into the command line:

netcopy.exe /qb TARGETDIR="<path to network share>"

B. Manual Administrative Installs: To perform a manual administrative install, you must first upgrade the Windows Installer by navigating to Technical Information CD 1 and double-clicking on either instmsia.exe (Microsoft Windows® 98 / Windows ME) or instmsiw.exe (Microsoft Windows NT® 4.0 / Windows 2000). If you have Windows XP, you already have the correct Windows Installer version and you can proceed to the following steps:

  1. Identify the network share where you will install.
  2. On the Start menu, click Run:

Non-Quiet Install: msiexec /a <path to tn.msi (located in the root of CD 1)>

Quiet Install: msiexec /qb /a <path to tn.msi (located in the root of CD 1)> TARGETDIR="<path to network share>"

NOTE: International customers with International Technical Information CD 1 and International Technical Information CD 2 will need to use tni.msi in place of tn.msi.

  1. You will be prompted to insert Technical Information CD 2 so the content files on that CD can be copied.
  2. When complete, instruct users to run setup.exe from the network share location.

NOTE: You should set the Network Location path to include at least two levels or folders. For example, use file://xxshare/yyfolder rather than \\xxshare. If you just enter the "root" or first level of a network share, an internal error will result. 

I tried the 'netcopy', first, thinking that I did something wrong. I then did the 'non-quiet install' but I included the TARGETDIR, which is e:\technetshare\technet.

I then went to the GPM and created the GP based on these instructions -

Machine Assignment

  • Expand Computer Configuration > Software Settings
  • Right click on Software Installations and select New > Package
  • Browse to the location of the TN.MSI file
  • Click Ok
  • Reboot the client machine and watch the product install
I did the above and rebooted my computer, but it didn't install. So, what am I leaving out?
-----Original Message-----
From: Darren Mar-Elia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2004 12:52 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] AD, GPO and Technet

Ok. This is a two-step process. You run the administrative setup below from a command prompt to set up the share on the server. Next step is to then deploy the package using GPO. You have two (well three) options there. You can assign it per machine, which requires a reboot in most cases to trigger the install. More likely, you may wan to publish it per-user and link that GPO to an OU that contains just your administrative user account. Then it will show up in Add/Remove Programs and you can install it from there. If you really want it to be installed without user intervention, then the machine assignment or even better, user assignment is the way to go.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rodriguez, Daniel [EPM/SRM]
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2004 9:56 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] AD, GPO and Technet

Ok, I have done that. Do I do this from the RUN box, or do I need the Command Prompt open?
I do have Technet sitting in e:\technetshare\technet. The tn.msi file is in the ..\technet subfolder, and  I do have the e:\technetshare set to share the directory and subfolder with full admin access. I am trying to see if I can get this to install, via GPO, only to my computer. I have a folder in AD called Admininstrators Computers and only my computer name is in this folder. If I can get this to work, I want to put only all fo the admins computers in this folder so that if there is any applications/utilities that we/they are needing I can do a 'mass' installation with little admininistration.
When I reboot my computer, Technet does not install. What else could I be missing?
-----Original Message-----
From: Darren Mar-Elia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 5:23 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] AD, GPO and Technet

I see the problem. You shouldn't be using /i and /a. If you're doing an admin install, and it supports it, then you should just use the command like this:
msiexec /a <path to .msi file>

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rodriguez, Daniel [EPM/SRM]
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 2:24 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] AD, GPO and Technet

Here are the exact instructions that came on my TechNet CD. I am trying to install on a Windows 2003 Server and it already has the latest version of Windows Installer.

Deploying TechNet Through Active Directory

The following information describes how to deploy the Microsoft TechNet product through Active Directory.


  • Microsoft TechNet
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional


  1. Create an Admin Image of the Microsoft TechNet product onto a network share
    • msiexec /a /i <cdrom>:\tn.msi                                                          <------------- This is the command that I am typing
  2. Open the Group Policy Window

Machine Assignment

  • Expand Computer Configuration > Software Settings
  • Right click on Software Installations and select New > Package
  • Browse to the location of the TN.MSI file
  • Click Ok
  • Reboot the client machine and watch the product install

User Assignment

  • Expand User Configuration > Software Settings
  • Right click on Software Installations and select New > Package
  • Browse to the location of the TN.MSI file
  • Click Ok
  • Have the user logoff and logon and the install should happen
-----Original Message-----
From: Darren Mar-Elia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 3:18 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] AD, GPO and Technet

What is the command you're typing? I'm not sure, but TechNet may not support an admin install. You may just need to copy the install bits from the CD to a share and call the setup msi from the GPO.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rodriguez, Daniel [EPM/SRM]
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 12:17 PM
To: ActiveDir (E-mail)
Subject: [ActiveDir] AD, GPO and Technet

I am trying to do an installation of Technet via Active Directory and GPO. I have the GPO configured properly. My problem is, I have never done this before, and 2, how do I create an Admin Image of the Mcrosoft TechNet Product?

When I type in the command that they have listed in the instructions, I keep getting the following error:

Incorrect command line parameters.

Windows Installer. V2.00.3790.0

This is on a W2k3 Server.


Daniel E. Rodriguez
Information Technology
Emerson Process Management
Fisher Controls Division
Sherman, Texas

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