Without disagreeing with any of the points you made, don't you think multi-forest deployment is an "overkill" for what he's trying to achieve?
Let's look at the SOW again:
The motivations for considering another forest are the following:
1) we have some remote sites with workstations that authenticate to the domain so they can be managed with GPOs and software distribution.  They have no real need to access MS resources at the main site.  In some cases, there are enough of these workstations to warrant a local DC.  We don't want DCs for the one and only existing domain in some of these locations, because we can't always control physical access to them.  An isolated forest (no trusts) for these would protect the internal forest in the event the new forest was compromised, compartmentalizing the damage.
OK, if he does implement a separate forest, he will still NEED Trusts in order to have any relationship between these forests, so we know that the NO TRUST aspect of this requirement can't be met. So, if there is TRUST, and the UNPROTECTED (throw-away) forest is compromise, the malicious 0wn3r now has the ability to compromise the PROTECTED forest as well. I know it is harder to do, but it is a reality
2) there's no need to replicate the thousands of internal user and computer accounts to the locations mentioned above - a new domain, whether it's in a new forest or not, would eliminate this unwanted replication.
Someone already answered this previously, pointing to the enchanced compression and replication algorithm in 2K3. Even so, any replication "storm" will be mostly a one-time incident for the initial synch. So, we can eliminate this from the list of reasons to do a new Forest
3) some applications require access by vendors, suppliers, etc.  There is some desire to keep such accounts physically seperate from the internal directory.  Part of this was because many intranet resources are granted to 'authenticated users', and people have a hard time realizing that some clerk at one of our suppliers is just as much an 'authenticated user' as an internal employee[1].  If such accounts were in a completely isolated forest (no trusts), they would not be authenticated users in our internal domain.
Again, the "no trust" assumption is really not borne out here, as there has to be a trust in order to make any of the other proposals work. Also, wrt applications and vendor accounts, I think the focus really needs to be on putting up an efficient and effective control/authentication/authorization/access mechanism if the applications use Windows accounts. If the applications use their own user accounts, then the "authenticated user" issue is irrelevant. The current permissioning practice that David describes above is THE issue here. Going into a SEPARATE forest will only shift the problem to another forest, rather than removing the problem. Now, if the permissioning (mal-)practice still exists with the applications in the new forest, the same knowledgeable person can still elevate privileges and - by leveraging the TRUST - still create problems for the PROTECTED forest.

Dèjì Akómöláfé, MCSE+M MCSA+M MCP+I
Microsoft MVP - Directory Services
www.readymaids.com - we know IT
Do you now realize that Today is the Tomorrow you were worried about Yesterday?  -anon

From: Grillenmeier, Guido
Sent: Fri 1/7/2005 2:24 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Forest trusts vs trusts within forests

I'd say JFK jr. answered it between the lines ;-) Happy New Year John
and all!

A domain in a separate forest with a trust to another forest will be
less risky than a domain within the same forest - esp. under the
circumstances that Dave described (such as limited physical security in
the remote offices).  So without going in details, with the information
given I'd say two forests + trusts is a valid choice.  If you require
Kerberos auth. between the two domains (in the two forests), then both
would need to run 2003.  Otherwise it'll be a "NT4 style" external trust
using NTLM auth.  

Naturally you'll have a little more hassle with DNS, but the second
domain/forest could certainly use a child zone of the existing forest
(e.g. 1st-dommain = company.com, 2nd-domain = child.company.com) and
will need to setup your zone transfers or forwarding appropriately
(again something which is done more easily with Win2003's conditional


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mulnick, Al
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2005 11:09 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Forest trusts vs trusts within forests

Out of curiosity, did you get your question answered?  The original that
I read was that you wanted to know if you had two separate forests with
trusts, would that create the same risks as if they were in the same
I *think* I read that correctly.  I think John had a lot of great
information in there, but I got to the thread too late which makes it
harder to read and tell what was said etc.  

Just curious mostly.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Fugleberg,
David A
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2005 3:50 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Forest trusts vs trusts within forests

Thanks John.  To answer your questions:
1)  the topology is hub/spoke.  I would put a couple DCs for the new
forest in the hub location.
2) Regarding replication, most of these sites have few to no Exchange
- those that do use OWA.  So, I'm not worried losing the common GC that
a single forest provides.  I'll need to work with the Exchange team to
see if/how any future plans impact this assessment, of course.
Bandwidth  is not the issue for wanting to compartmentalize replication.
It's more about having a r/w copy of the internal directory at all of
these sites that have no use for it.
3) The applications would by and large be at the central location.  Some
could live in the second forest (see #1).  I'm certain that the business
will want some of these users to access some apps in the internal
though- hence the need to trust the new forest.  I'm also sure that our
support people will want the new forest to trust the internal forest to
make it easier to support.
There's no illusion on my part that any configuration gives me a 100%
security guarantee - if there was, someone would have found it an all of
us in info security would have to find real jobs!
Thanks again for the insights. I truly appreciate getting a sanity
Around my company I'm the one people go to for AD expertise, so when I
need to bounce things off of people it's often on this list.
Happy Friday!

	-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John Reijnders
	Sent: Friday, January 07, 2005 10:36 AM
	To: 'ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org'
	Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Forest trusts vs trusts within forests

	Hi David,


	Take 2 ;-). See inline comments for my ideas.


	1) we have some remote sites with workstations that authenticate
to the domain so they can be managed with GPOs and software
distribution.  They have no real need to access MS resources at the main
site.  In some cases, there are enough of these workstations to warrant
a local DC.  We don't want DCs for the one and only existing domain in
some of these locations, because we can't always control physical access
to them.  An isolated forest (no
trusts) for these would protect the internal forest in the event the new
forest was compromised, compartmentalizing the damage.


	I'm interested in the physical structure of your network. Are
the 'evil' sites fully connected to all other sites (centrally and the
other 'evil' sites), or is the network topology more like a
hub-and-spoke model?
Implementing a separate domain or forest for the 'evil' sites would
require some sort of connectivity between them or the implementation of
DC for this domain/forest in your centrally and trustworthy site. But
you're right that an isolated forest would take care of this.


	2) there's no need to replicate the thousands of internal user
and computer accounts to the locations mentioned above - a new domain,
whether it's in a new forest or not, would eliminate this unwanted


	There's no need to replicate the usr and cptr accounts, but
there might be a need to replicate things like GC info for an Exchange
address book? Replication has become very efficient in W2003 and I
wouldn't be surprised if replication traffic wouldn't pose a problem. It
really depends on the bandwith you have, but I havn't seen many
implementations in which replication traffic forced me to implements
multiple forest/domains.


	3) some applications require access by vendors, suppliers, etc.
There is some desire to keep such accounts physically seperate from the
internal directory.  Part of this was because many intranet resources
are granted to 'authenticated users', and people have a hard time
realizing that some clerk at one of our suppliers is just as much an
'authenticated user'
as an internal employee[1].  If such accounts were in a completely
isolated forest (no trusts), they would not be authenticated users in
our internal domain.


	Yep! This calls for a federated forest construction. But are
these applications located at the 'evil' sites or is this a totally
different geographical spreading that might require an additional forest
in the centrally managed site?


	What I'm trying to figure out is whether a seperate forest with
trusts in both directions (with SA and SID Filtering) gets me closer to
the objective than a new domain in the existing forest.  It seems to me
that a new domain in the existing forest would take care of #2, but not
the other issues, which brings up the new forest idea.  I just don't
want to introduce a new forest only to find that the required trusts put
me right back in the same situation as if I had just added a child
domain to the existing forest.
Comments ?


	The most obvious way to ensure 1 and 3 (I don't consider 2 to be
a 'real' issue, but just one of those arguments that comes in handy to
add another one to the list of pro's to achieve your goal ;-), is a
separate Forest. This does not put you right back in the same situation,
because several extra steps are introduced that makes it tougher to do
whatever you're not allowed to do on the other side. From a technical
point of view, the FedFor construction with SA and Sidfiltering (be
aware that this breaks
SIDHistory!) is a very solid solution. This does not give you a  100%
safety garanty. You will need to monitor your environment (non
techical/social hacking can be far more dangerous!) for strange events.


	[1]Yeah, I know that I could put them in another OU, and the
resources should really be ACLed so only intended groups have access
instead of relying on 'authenticated users'.  Maybe that's the path I
should push for regarding #3 - your comments are welcome!


	Duh ... No further comments your honour! I rest my case ...



	John Reijnders






		-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John Reijnders
		Sent: Friday, January 07, 2005 1:42 AM
		To: 'ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org'
		Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Forest trusts vs trusts within

		Happy New Year to you as well!


		In order to make a good decision for yourself whether or
not you can and need to protect yourself against clever DomaAdmins,
Service Admins and/or people with physical access to your DC's some
extra info:


		Ways to bypass standard security:

		-        Add the Enterprise Admin SID to your token (ex
you SidHistory). This can be done by using a 'improved' version of
kerberos.dll, which will add the enterpr adm sid to every service

		-        You can modify the system software or Directory
to bypass sec checks by:

		o        Changing the default sec.descriptor for an

		o        Add a user to the enterprise adm Univ.Group on
a GC

		o        Execute a logon script in a site GPO

		-        Or schedule an AT job which runs under local


		(Partial) solutions to these problems are:

		*         Delegation of control

		*         Physical protection of ALL DCs

		*         SID filtering (enabled by default)

		*         Pro active Monitoring (!)

		*         Multiple Forests (!!)


		Some benefits of W2K3 trusts:

		*         Transitive (not really a sexy feature in you 2
single dom forest design)

		*         You can use kerberos logon in stead of NTLM.

		*         You can use both implicit and explicit UPN
over the trust Selective Authentication (which is disabled by default
and applies to external, realm and forest trusts): This option provides
a method that you can use to achieve better granularity for
authentication requests that come across a trust. When you enable it,
all authentication is examined on the service DC. The service DC
verifies that the user is explicitly allowed to authenticate to the
resource before allowing the authentication request through. Because of
this, you need to specify which users who come across the trust can
authenticate to which resources in the domain when you enable the SA
option across a trust. You can do this if you set up the "Allowed to
Authenticate" control access right on an object for that particular user
or group from the other forest or domain. When a user authenticates
across a trust with the SA option enabled, a special "Other
Organization" SID is added to the user's authorization data. The
presence of this SID triggers a verification on the service domain to
ensure that the user is allowed to authenticate to the particular
service. After the user is authenticated, the server to which the user
authenticates adds another SID, the "This Organization" SID.

		*         You can disable the corresponding DomainInfo
record for the domain or the TopLevelName record for the tree in the UI.
This method is useful when only a small part (read domain) of the other
forest is not trusted. Note that only authentication requests from users
in that domain are disabled when you disable a DomainInfo record. When
you disable a DomainInfo record, authentication requests are not
disabled if those authentication requests are received from users who
are in the local forest if those users want to gain access to resources
that are in the disabled domain. This is not really applicable in your


		If you're going for the multiple forest scenario,
consider the security benefits this will give you and compare them to
the additional costs (extra hardware, no super GC is available by
default unless you start using stuff like MIIS :-), extra management,


		Let us know what you end up with and ... why ;-)


		John Reijnders


		-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Fugleberg,
David A
		Sent: donderdag 6 januari 2005 21:32
		To: activedir@mail.activedir.org
		Subject: [ActiveDir] Forest trusts vs trusts within


		Happy New Year !

		I'm having a design discussion with myself about adding
a forest vs

		adding a domain to an existing forest.  I understand
about the automatic

		transitive trust between domains in a forest, and how
it's possible for

		a clever domain admin in a subdomain to compromise the
entire forest.

		What I'm shaky on is this:  If you had two single-domain
forests, and

		established trusts in both directions between them, do
you have the same

		issues ?  I would think not, because the configuration
and schema NCs

		are not shared between them, but I'm looking for some
confirmation on

		that.  Also, since we're talking about two single-domain
forests, I'm

		guessing that the 'forest trusts' available in W2K3 FFL
don't really

		come into play here, correct ?  In other words, getting
the first domain

		to W2K3 FFL doesn't buy anything with respect to this
trust ?





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